Regardless of your niche, figuring out what to call your blog can seem pretty difficult. Finding good weight loss blog name ideas might feel even more complex. Not only are there already a lot of weight loss blogs out there, these days, it can be a real hazard if you don’t want to offend your potential audience
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Thankfully, finding a good name isn’t as hard as it first seems. I can definitely help you out with that.
In fact, the name that you pick isn’t even all that critical at the end of the day. There are just a few simple guidelines to consider, and then you can get to work on the next stage of building your online business.
For that matter, you can even break most (if not all) of the guidelines and still end up with a successful blog. That’s because the content of your site is much more important than what you happen to call it.
This post is designed to help you on the journey. I start off by highlighting a selection of ideas that you can use as inspiration for your site. I also provide some general rules for choosing a domain, then move on to the next steps, like buying a domain and making money.
50 Weight Loss Blog Name Ideas
- Disappearing Myself
- Our Scales Lie
- Scale Free Life
- Daily Slimmer Me
- Healthy Fit Life Blog
- Diet Free Today
- Thinner Me Inside
- Happy Keto Journey
- Quick Natural Weight Loss
- Weight Loss Cooking Secrets
- Paleo Guide To Weight Loss
- Lean Meal Planning
- Normal Guy Weight Loss
- Hot Skinny Lifestyle
- Lazy Weight Loss Solutions
- Dessert is Okay
- Skinny Meal Planners
- How A Busy Mom Gets Fit
- Whole Food for Weight Loss
- Fat is for Losers
- Just A Little Bit Thinner
- Healthy Vegan Weight Loss
- Fast Weight Loss Recipes
- Live Diet Free For Life
- Be Active, Not Skinny
- Eat Keto Lose Weight
- Your Trim Life
- Burn Calories Today
- Slimmer Every Day
- Smart Weight Loss Zone
- Best Weight Loss Recipes
- Fat to Flat Pro
- Keto Shrinking Diet
- Fresh Trim Living
- Fit Slim Health
- Skinny Waisting
- Forget the Diet Pills
- Skinny Life Plan
- Get Slim with Fat
- Daily Body Transformation
- Smartphone Weight Loss
- Weight Loss with [NAME]
- Stop Eating Shitty
- Your Best Size
- No More New Belts
- Thicc & Healthy
- More Muscle Than Fat
- Drop A Couple Dress Sizes
- Lose Weight with Fat
- Be the Diet
These blog names all have one thing in common – none of them will create a wildly popular site overnight. Even if you could find the best name possible for your blog, the impact on your success would be minimal at best. In the end, your personality and the content that you create are much more significant than a name could ever be.
How To Choose A Good Blog Name
It’s true that the right blog name will never make your site a success on its own, but it’s still a good idea to avoid some clear mistakes and get started on the right foot. That’s where these general rules come in.
First, watch out for obscure extensions, such as .blog or .xyz. This is true even if the domain that you want isn’t available as a .com. Unusual extensions are less likely to get ranked and visitors tend to trust them less as well. will not perform better than Dot Com’s are always first choice.
Regional variations can be used (.ca,, .au) are okay to use if your audience is purely local, and your content is only relevant to people from that country. If you want to reach the world though, just stick with .com.

Another good rule is to watch out for copyrighted brands, like Weight Watchers or FitBit. If you do use something copyrighted, there is a risk that you’d have to change your site name later. Doing so might confuse your audience too. There are definitely cases where people get away with using brands, like, but they are the exception, not the rule.
This means that it is best to avoid anything that is similar to a copyrighted name. For example, will go after people who create websites and brands that even use variations on Amazon.
If you wanted to make a site about losing weight with a FitBit, then rather than, you could do This also “unlinks” your brand from their brand, so you can honestly review all fitness tracker brands and avoid conflict of interest issues with your promotions.
Keyword VS Branding
Another area to consider is whether you want to focus on keywords or branding. A keyword-focused name will include your full keyword or a variation of it in the site name itself.
This could be something very specific (such as the site or or a site that simply contains one or more targeted words (such as Using keywords in your website name helps visitors to know exactly what your site focuses on.
Keywords may also help your site to rank, especially for the specific phrase in the domain name. will definitely get a small boost for all phrases related to home cooking recipes without sugar! However, you can still rank without having your exact keyword in your domain name.
Branding takes a different approach entirely. The idea here is to create something that is memorable and unique. Your site name doesn’t need to relate to your topic at all. You can use made-up words, like Twitter, or catchy phrases, like
The memorability of branded site names is a huge bonus. This type of name is often easy to promote too, as you’re typically using a short name that will stick in people’s minds. Though you don’t get the benefit of keyword ranking, you may gain the benefit of repeat visits due to your unique brand.
One weight loss example is the site This is a low-carb cooking site, which offers various recipes that can support weight loss. While the site itself ranks well and is very popular, the name is not directly associated with the topic at all.
Branded site names come with their own challenges. Because people might not know what your site focuses on initially, or you might choose a brand that doesn’t resonate with visitors as much as you thought.
It can also be difficult to figure out a good branded name, causing “analysis paralysis”. With a keyword-based name, at least you you have a keyword as a starting point!
How To Buy A Domain Name
Domain names can be easily purchased from domain name registration companies. GoDaddy remains one of the most popular options, partly because it often seems like they have amazing deals.
Many people do use GoDaddy without any problems, but it’s important to pay close attention to what you’re signing up for. The site has a bad habit of trying to sell you extra services that you don’t really need. There are also many deals that have a low initial price and high renewal fee.
I currently use, and recommend, Namecheap. The company focuses on inexpensive domain names too – without the excessive upsells that GoDaddy is so fond of. The pricing structure is clear too, so you’re not going to get slapped with hidden fees.
Regardless of the service that you use, the process of purchasing a domain name is simple. Most sites allow you to easily search for available names and purchasing the one you want is just a matter of following through their steps.
How To Build & Make Money From Your Weight Loss Website
Once you have a blog name and an associated domain, the next step is building your site. There are multiple approaches to consider here as well.
One area is whether you want to use a free website or a paid one. Free websites often come from website builder companies, like Wix, Weebly or Yola. Each service has different features, but they all tend to have some restrictions that could hurt your traffic or worse – income – long term.
For example, most free site builders limit your ability to host ads and/or use affiliate marketing. Others might restrict the size of your site or which design elements you can use.
You can typically upgrade to a paid plan to get the features that you want, including the ability to earn money online. For example, making an affiliate marketing site through Weebly is possible, but there are limitations. One is that there are very few options for hosting your website.
This is a problem with most site builders and often means that you’re paying at least $20 per month for your site, if not more. This isn’t a huge expense, but you can get more benefits at a much lower cost by using a self-hosted WordPress website.
WordPress is also widely recognized and you have plenty of options for hosting. Another feature is flexibility. WordPress gives you a lot of control over your website, allowing you to do more than you ever could with a website builder. There are plenty of tutorials that can help you get started with your site.
Once you do have a site, you can earn money in a variety of ways. Beginners normally start with display ads, affiliate marketing or a combination of both approaches.
How Much Do Weight Loss Bloggers Make?
Tammy from Organize Yourself Skinny publishes a weight loss site that focuses on meal planning and meal prep. In her first 18 months, she earned a little over $137,000 from her blog. In fact, she is now earning more than double the amount she made when working full-time.
Most of her income is from ad networks and a little comes from affiliate marketing. She also earns from selling her own eBooks, writing sponsored posts and arranging for private advertising.
Another successful site is Fit Mom Journey. This is a food site that offers a variety of recipes for keto dieters. As part of her site, Gretchen shares many personal insights and stories along the way.
Her income report for April 2018 showcases total income of a little under $8,500. Most of this came from ads, although Gretchen does rely on affiliate marketing as well. This income report is also fascinating, as Gretchen talks about the limitations of setting goals and how goals ended up doing her more harm than good.
Display Ads
Display ads can seem like the obvious choice for new website owners. All you’re doing is hosting ads on your website. You don’t need your content to have any connection to those ads.
There are many different display ad networks that you can choose from. These vary in many ways, such as the interface that they use, how much you can earn and the requirements that you need to meet. Google AdSense is easily the most well-known choice, but it has many limitations and can be frustrating.
You can choose how you approach hosting ads. Some people just go with the default settings, while others make changes to try and optimize income.
Either way, display ads perform best on high traffic websites. Brand new sites tend to earn very little from ads. Sites in low traffic niches may struggle to ever get enough visitors to make decent income from ads alone.
Affiliate Links
Affiliate marketing is a more involved approach for earning money. Most affiliate marketers manually insert affiliate links in their content and choose the products and services that they promote carefully.
While the process may sound frustrating, it is fairly simple once you get used to it. More importantly, affiliate marketing is powerful. Your income isn’t directly linked to your traffic like it is for ads.
You can even a decent amount of income from a low traffic site if you find a good affiliate program that converts well. There are many programs to choose from too, including weight loss affiliate programs and ones that focus on weight loss supplements.
Affiliate marketing and display ads aren’t mutually exclusive either. Many sites do successfully follow both approaches. This is a good way to take advantage of the benefits that each style has to offer.
People aren’t going to be interested in a side that is overloaded with ads and sales pitches, so it’s also important to focus on visitor experience. You need to find a good balance between sales and content. Your goal is to make the site useful for visitors so that they will keep returning.
Writing product reviews is one approach that balances sales and product promotion well. You could make a weight loss blog that simply features reviews of popular weight loss products and probably make a killing doing that alone. It’s often easy to find good keywords for such reviews, and on top of that there are a high volume of searches for product reviews, plus they tend to convert better compared to other types of keywords.
Writing product reviews with affiliate links is an all around good strategy for making money with your blog, no matter what industry you enter.
Final Thoughts
The process of building a successful online business involves many different steps and decisions, including your initial niche choice and site name, all the way through to processes like content creation and search engine optimization (SEO).
One of the most important lessons is that none of these decisions are irreversible or as huge as they seem. Your blog name certainly won’t define whether your site succeeds or fails. Any impact that it has will be far outweighed by other factors like quality of content, type of keywords, and writing style.
The most useful thing that you can do is to keep moving forward. Spend some time planning and making wise decisions, but don’t stress over every single detail. Every successful online businessperson has made plenty of mistakes along the way. Doing so is the only way to learn.
Should You Start Your Own Blog?
Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!
If you want to actually make something of your site, and earn the kind of income that could allow you to quit your job and work full time online, then this members-only training site is what I recommend. If you’re serious about making some moves, they’re your best shot at building some fat traffic to your brand and profiting from your blog!
What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!