Can You Really Make Money With The Deals N Cash


is wealthy affiliate a scam or can i actually make a six figure income online as an affiliate marketerI found this site ( in a list of websites posted online. Users claimed that these sites could help you to earn extra cash, and this was one of them. But can you really make money with the Deals N Cash website?

I will be super honest. My first look at this website did not necessarily inspire a great amount of confidence. I felt like the graphics were poorly done, and I didn’t like the overall design of the site.

Plus, you can’t really tell from the screenshot I took, because I cropped it… but the visible part of this landing page was actually really small.

It just didn’t look good. At all.

But, I try not to judge websites by their landing pages… so before I wrote this one off, I decided to give it a try. I am all about side hustles and finding ways to earn a bit of extra cash, and that is what I was looking for as I looked at this website.

But would it prove to be a money-maker? Only a closer examination would tell.

Here is what I discovered.

Making Money With The Deals N Cash Website

Before joining the site, I wanted to read as much about it as I could. I generally like to do this before going to the trouble of filling out a registration form, just in case I learn something about it that makes it a deal-breaker before I even join.

So here is a brief summary of what I learned about Deals N Cash just by browsing the pages available to me from the landing page.

First off, I learned that there were a few different ways to earn money on this site. You could view ads, visit websites, read emails, and complete surveys to earn rewards.

This means that this site is basically an incentivized pay-per-click/pay-per-action site. I have seen a lot of apps and websites like this… so this is not really a new concept.

I learned that anyone from the USA, Canada, Australia, or the UK can join as a member.

I learned that you get a $5 signup bonus when you join.

I learned that this site has been operating since 1998 and that they are able to pay users for clicks because they work with other sites to ‘advertise’ them. In other words, they get their advertisers’ views, get paid for those views, and forward a percentage of the earnings onto their users.

I found out that you earn 1 to 2 cents for reading emails from the company. You also need $30 in your account before you can cash out. They pay out by sending checks in the mail… which is a bit old-fashioned. But hey… it works!

I also learned that this site is the property of a company called Multiple Stream Media. This is what they say that their ‘core-principles’ allow them to do…

“Our core-principles allow us to constantly battle the dis-reputable business practices of the Incentivized Advertising Industry.

We believe that the power of reaching consumers by sharing ad-revenue is one of the most effective forms of advertising on the Internet – and a win-win situation for both our members and our advertisers.”

Well, so far, everything sounds pretty legitimate… though I will admit that the idea of reading an email for 1 or 2 pennies is absolutely not something that fits into my idea of a side hustle. I am actually going to take a quick break from the website to explain this really quickly.

Why Is Making 1 Or 2 Pennies At A Time Not Worth The Time?

Ok, first off, let me just explain what I am NOT saying. I am NOT saying that Deals N Cash is a complete waste of time. If you want to make 1 or 2 pennies by reading an email, and you want to do this regularly… until you build up $30 or more so that you can cash out, then this website is probably an awesome fit for you.

But there are a number of reasons for why this will not work for me. And here they are…

  1. I need any side hustle that I invest time into to give me three things: Flexibility, profitability, and consistency.
  2. This site does not deliver enough money for the time to make it onto my side-hustle radar.
  3. My time is valuable and worth money to me… because time, like oxygen, food, water, and money itself, is just another resource that we have to use and spend.
  4. If I am going to use my time for something, it must be spent to create greater denominations of cash than 1 to 2 pennies a pop to qualify as a side hustle.

If I were going to make 1 or 2 dollars for each email I read, then I could try to figure out how many emails I could read in an hour, and go from there to try to figure out if such a deal would be worth my time.

But let’s just be real for a second. I pay my bills in dollars, not pennies. I invest into my business ideas with dollars, not pennies.

Pennies are just not a denomination, nowadays, that give me enough to justify spending my time on them.

100 pennies is one thing. 1 or 2 pennies? It just isn’t worth it.

Even if the emails are super fast to read, I still need to perform many different steps to earn that penny.

  1. I need to sign in
  2. I need to open my email
  3. I need to look through my inbox for the right one
  4. I need to wait for pages to load
  5. I need to report the email as read
  6. This means that I need to wait for more pages to load

Even if I could manage to get one email read every minute, I would still only be making 60 cents to $1.20 an hour… and that is just not enough money to justify this site as a side hustle.

I usually don’t rule out website opportunities before legitimately trying them… but I will be very honest about this and go ahead and tell you why I am not even going any further.

My Personal Feelings About Deals N Cash And Other Websites Like It

First off, let me start out by saying that this review was not an example of what I usually write when I look at sites like this. Usually, I try to give you an in-depth look at what these sites are actually offering, and I try to go through the motions to show my readers what they look like when you actually get into them.

But I decided to forgo that format with Deals N Cash for two important reasons.

  1. Usually, websites like this make their services sound really good in their content. Often, they try to put their very best foot forward. I am not saying that they lie about how good they are… but they usually try to promote the ‘best case scenario.’ And in this case, even the best case was just not up to par with what I would need.
  2. I felt like, in this specific case, our readers would benefit more from some frank side-hustle discussion than from an in-depth analysis of a site that we already pretty much knew wasn’t going to work for us anyway.

So to put all of this into perspective, I will simply say this.

Obviously, you know that if you want to make a penny or two reading emails, then this site may work for you.

But if you are looking for a side hustle that will actually earn you some real cash, then is probably not going to be the site for you.

As our bills and expenses grow, so does our need for extra cash. All of us feel the crunch in some way and to some degree… which is partly what makes the need for side hustles so prominent right now.

Most people are looking for ways to create a bit of extra income, for many reasons. Maybe you want to save more, or invest more, or to start a new business… or even just to have a bit of extra spending money.

At any rate, you are going to need to find an opportunity that will be worth the time you put into it… and this site (along with other sites like it, such as Super Cash Rewards, InboxDollars and TV Viewing Research & Rewards) just isn’t going to cut it.

I do love the idea of earning extra cash with websites, because the internet gives them the opportunity to be truly flexible. But very few actually come through as legitimate… and far fewer actually help you to earn enough cash to make them worth your time.

Our Final Thoughts About The Deals N Cash Website

Should you sign up and use it to make some extra money?

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