Can You Really Make Money With The Hagen/Sinclair Survey Website?

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If you have ever been interested in making a little bit of extra cash on the side, then the possibility exists that you might have looked into online survey websites as a solution. That is actually how I found this one. But can you really make money with the Hagen/Sinclair survey website?

This site (which you can find at got my attention right away because it sounded a bit more ‘academic’ to me than the usual survey websites that I tend to run across.

But… I will also admit that it was mostly the name that inspired this view.

In truth, I had no idea if the site was even worth looking into or not. But I am always on the lookout for a quality money-making opportunity, and I do like the idea of using survey sites as a side-hustle.

So I decided to look into it and write a review for you fine folks on the other side!

So here is what I discovered over the course of my research.

Making Money With The Hagen/Sinclair Survey Website

To begin with, what exactly is Hagen/Sinclair?

Hagen/Sinclair describes itself like this in the introductory sentence of their ‘Who We Are’ page.

Make Money Hagen Sinclair

“Since 2001, Hagen/Sinclair has built a national reputation for market research recruiting excellence.”

This page goes on to say a lot of other things—but in essence, what they are saying here is that they are specialists in market research, and that they have been since 2001.

I clicked on the ‘What We Do’ page next, and found this quote—which summed it all up quite nicely.

“Our mission is to provide qualitative market research recruiting services of the highest quality we can muster, with intelligence, enthusiasm and grace.”

Ok… I don’t mean to sound picky, but grace? Why would a market research website use ‘grace’ as one of their three main qualities that they ascribe to themselves in the introductory quote of their self-description?

I mean, I am not saying it’s wrong. It’s just weird to me. It almost makes me think that their writers just came up with stuff and slapped it down—but really, all kidding aside, the content is not bad. So it seems that this was deliberate. I just find it a bit odd… that’s all.

It seems that the company specialize in 4 different types of studies: Online studies, consumer studies, B2B studies, and medical studies.

At this point, I felt like I had learned enough about the company from the outside. Now, I wanted to sign up and see what else I could learn about them. Here is a little bit of information about that process.

Signing Up For Hagen/Sinclair

To begin the process of signing up for Hagen/Sinclair, I clicked on the ‘Participate’ tab, located at the top of the landing page. This brought me to a page that told me about the registration process and pointed me toward an online form, which was linked to on the right-hand side of the page.

I clicked on that link, and was quickly taken to this page.

Hagen Sinclair Sign Up Form

Now, the top part of this page was pretty straight forward. They wanted my name, address, phone number (all of them… work, home, phone… even a FAX number), email address, and employment status.

But further down, there was also a survey-like section where they asked me a bunch of other questions… and some of them were more than a bit on the intense side!

For example… here is what the page looked like when I scrolled down to the next sets of questions.

Hagen Sinclair Sign Up Extended

As you can see, they are asking for quite a bit of information here! I have seen sites ask for simpler versions of this kind of information in introductory surveys… and some of the more modern sites even pay you for filling out all of this!

But this site seems to expect all of it—plus a lot more—as part of the sign up process!

I feel like it goes without saying that this is a lot of work. I mean, what I have shown you in the screen-shots is just part of it. There are quite a few more sections of this to go through.

I have literally filled out job applications that were less complicated than this!

This leads me to a very important observation about this site that I haven’t seen in a long time.

The truth is that some of these survey sites are just too much trouble to make them worth the time… and I was already noticing that this one was starting to feel like that (that is what I thought at this point. But keep reading… because I change my mind later on).

Trust me when I say that there are literally DOZENS of different apps and survey sites out there that will allow you to make a bit of extra cash… and while very few of them really stand out as ‘awesome,’ there are A LOT of sites that are ‘average’ that are really easy and user-friendly to get started with.

Some interesting examples include Survey Junkie, PointClub, iSurvey World and Palm Research.

I have seen people make more money on the simple sites than I ever have on the complicated ones—and I will say, right now, that I was not necessarily motivated to complete all of these forms to join this site.

Rather than tackling that, I decided to visit the FAQ to see if I could learn a bit more.

Maybe I would discover some information that would make me feel like Hagen/Sinclair was worth the effort?

Here is what I found.

What I Discovered On The Website FAQ Page

Alright… one of the first questions that I looked at was the ‘How Will I Be Compensated?’ question. Here is what I found.


This… this made me do a double take. That is a LOT of money for a study! This actually caused me to do a complete 180 degree turnaround on my opinion of Hagen/Sinclair. To be honest, if they are offering this much per survey, then no—I do NOT think that the introductory sign-up process is too lengthy.

From the sound of it, you can actually make worthwhile cash on this site—so yeah. I changed my mind about it after learning this.

I also learned that this company conducts two different types of studies. There are ‘remote’ studies, which can be done from anywhere—or on-location studies. They also send out anywhere between a few a month to a few a year.

They also say that you may not hear from them often—but that when they do, the studies will be sure to be worthwhile and interesting (which I actually believe).

I also learned that you will be notified by email of any studies that you could possibly take part in—so you don’t have to keep checking back to the site for work. You can simply wait to receive an email before taking action.

This is how a lot of survey sites work nowadays, and it is cool because this makes them efficient. This makes it so that you don’t have to constantly be ‘working’ to find work… which I like.

At this point, I felt that I had learned enough about this survey site to weigh in with my official opinion. Here is the conclusion I came to.

Will I Personally Be Using Hagen/Sinclair In The Future?

At first, I was pretty skeptical of this study site—but after looking into it a bit closer, I was actually really impressed. Yes, the sign up process is a bit of a pain. It is quite labor-intensive, and it doesn’t seem like you get any real ‘reward’ for your time, so that struck me as a major downside.

But after learning that this site tends to pay out a minimum of $45 per study, I really did a double-take.

This is a LOT of money for a study! Granted, these studies are not typical surveys. They will probably take longer, and may need to be done over the phone.

But the monetary payout definitely makes them worth it!

I will absolutely be signing up for this site, and waiting to see if I get any offers for studies. I mean, it can’t hurt—and while this may not necessarily qualify as a quality ‘side hustle,’ due to the rather sparse, unpredictable nature of the study timing, it could serve as a great way to make at least a little bit of extra cash.

If you need a serious side hustle to generate some passive income, then this is not for you. But if you want to do a little extra work to make a bit of extra green once or twice a month, then Hagen/Sinclair might be one of your most profitable bets!

I will certainly be giving them a try.

Our Final Thoughts About The Hagen/Sinclair Survey Website

Should you sign up and try it for yourself?

The Hagen/Sinclair Survey Website Review

To be completely honest, doing online surveys will never earn more than minimum wage. In fact, most people rarely earn more than $1-$3 per hour, if they are lucky enough to get a payout.

If you want to legit make money online you need to invest time into building a website. Earn passive income through affiliate links & advertising revenue. Rather than spend an hour trying to answer boring questions, build a real web property that you can earn monthly income from.

What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!

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