Can You Really Make Money With Zilis?

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Like many companies, Zilis has latched onto the recent CBD oil trend. They claim to be the fastest-growing company in the United States, partly due to the interaction between ambassadors and customers.

Of course, such claims are typical in this field and don’t say much at all about making money with Zilis. To find out whether the company is realistic, we need to look at their product selection and their compensation plan.

Before that, it’s worth saying a little bit about CBD. Hemp-derived CBD oil uses cannabidiol (CBD) as the main ingredient. CBD itself has no psychoactive properties, so the oil won’t give you a high.An image from the Zilis website showing a happy family

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The oil may provide health benefits, such as improving sleep, decreasing pain, and reducing depression symptoms. While the benefits haven’t been proven, demand for CBD oil remains high. Many CBD oil users do report seeing positive changes as the result of the oil, so the potential is there.

You’re also working with a consumable product. Doing so is ideal, as customers who see benefits should keep coming back for more. Zilis is one potential way to get involved in the industry, so let’s see what it has to offer.

Two Ways To Make Money With Zilis

Zilis follows two predictable income approaches. The first is to sell the products and earn a commission from each sale. People who want to go further can focus on team building as well. While this process is more involved, it does offer higher income potential as well.

In this post, we’re looking at the details of each method, along with the overall chance of making a decent income with Zilis.

Make Money From Product Sales

While Zilis currently focuses on CBD oil, this wasn’t their original product line. Instead, they have the Ultra Boosters.

These boosters are liquid supplements that are designed to promote specific outcomes. For example, Ultra Dream helps with sleep, while Ultra Burn is meant to support weight loss. Zilis suggests that these boosters can complement the results of their CBD oils.

Whether this is true or not is debatable. Zilis isn’t the only company to offer liquid supplements (My Daily Choice is another). Such supplements might be absorbed better in the body, but it isn’t clear whether there are any noticeable health advantages compared to regular supplements.

As for CBD, Zilis offers just three types of products. The first is UltraCell which is a full-spectrum CBD oil that comes in lemon, berry or raw (unflavored).

Full-spectrum oils contain multiple compounds from hemp, rather than just CBD. Because of this, the CBD concentration may be lower than CBD isolates.

Despite the lower potential CBD concentration, full-spectrum hemp oils can sell well. The presence of extra compounds could mean that they provide more health benefits. Some customers prefer CBD isolate oils, while others prefer the full-spectrum oil.

Zilis is also planning to release a product called Ultra CBG. This makes use of cannabigerol, which is a different compound and may have complementary benefits for health.

Ultra CBG from Zilis

This is the most interesting product from Zilis, as few other companies offer a CBG oil. Still, Zilis doesn’t provide much evidence that the oil offers health benefits.

The final product is UltraCell Topical. This is a cream that contains CBD extract and essential oils. Many companies offer CBD oils and topical products nowadays, so the products from Zilis aren’t unique. The company also has a small product range, which doesn’t help matters.

One other limitation is that Zilis only has full-spectrum hemp oil. While some customers prefer full-spectrum oil, others prefer to isolate, so it would be best to have both types to sell.

The main advantage of Zilis is that the company has good marketing. The products end up looking high-quality and reliable.

Earning With Zilis

Zilis says that members can earn up to 100% commissions from their retail customers and less from preferred customers. That sounds appealing, but the statement doesn’t tell us very much at all.

It isn’t at all clear what percentage your commission starts at or what influences your earnings. However, the 100% commissions like sounds like a way to grab attention. The phrase implies that you’re going to get the entire sales price as commission, which simply isn’t going to happen.

As for what you do earn, that’s anyone’s guess.

One possibility is that you earn commission on 100% of the sale price. Some companies only allow you to earn based on a percentage of the sales price. Still, there is no information about what you’ll be earning.

Make Money Building A Team

Building a team provides the chance to increase your income by earning extra bonuses. Zilis actually uses a binary and an unilevel model for team earnings.

As always, the binary model involves building the left and the right team under you. You can then earn a 20% commission from the volume of your lesser team each week.

Your binary income is capped based on rank. To earn a decent amount from your team, progressing up through the ranks is essential. Some of the team volumes can be stored from week-to-week, but only if you hit certain personal volume requirements.

Six ranks and their restrictions

The unilevel system is paid out monthly. This approach has you earning based on where people fall within your downline. You can only earn from the first level below you (your recruits) at the initial rank. The depth of your earnings increases one step at a time with rank.

Compensation tiers from Zilis

Plans like this are always more difficult than they seem. To get a decent amount of income, you need a large team underneath you. Yet, most people struggle to recruit even a few other distributors.

Recruiting them isn’t enough either. Anyone you recruit is your Generation 1. You need to get them to recruit so that you have your Generation 2 and so on.

The process ends up creating a lot of competition. You’ll often find that some of the people that you recruit are targeting the same audience as you.

There are other aspects to the team plan too, which I’m not going to focus on here. The general theme is that you can earn bonuses by hitting specific requirements. The bonuses are most significant at the higher ranks and when you have a large team.

One final thing to mention is the requirements. You need to achieve various goals to increase your rank with the company. This includes meeting sales volumes and having a certain number of people in your downline.

As part of this, you need 50 Business Volume through an autoship each month or 75 volumes from other sources. This type of requirement is tricky. For one thing, it means that you need to make sales every month or you’re paying out of your own pocket.

By making the autoship requirement lower than the volume needed from other sources, Zilis is even encouraging distributors to buy the products themselves. Buying products simply to stay active is a horrible system. It puts you in the red at the start of every month.

Can You Generate Reliable Income With Zilis?

The Zilis Review


Business Opportunity

Final Review

These no doubt, making money with Zilis is possible. The product type is in demand and the CBG oil from Zilis is unusual enough that it might get extra attention.

The products are more expensive than similar items from other companies, but such a pattern doesn’t always prevent sales. Customers may even assume that quality is higher simply because the products are expensive.

While the income potential does exist, it’s important to think carefully before you get involved with Zilis. One issue is the amount of competition. There are many different CBD companies out there now, and you can even buy CBD from SaveMart.

You’re competing against all of these companies. Many have a wider product range or less expensive items. In fact, most CBD companies seem to have cheaper products, and the majority of customers out there aren’t willing to pay a premium for a product they are not intensely educated on.

It’s also worth thinking about the CBD trend. The oils are popular right now. Who knows if they will stay that way?

Market trends change regularly. What happens if you put a lot of time and effort into building an income stream through Zilis and then found that people simply weren’t interested in CBD oils anymore?

This is a risk with any MLM. You don’t end up with control over your income. You’ll always be stuck promoting whatever products the company happens to offer. I always prefer approaches that put me in the driving seat. That way I can respond to changes in customer demand and to new opportunities.

What is this – the 1950’s selling Tupperware? Gimme a break. It’s 2020. If you want to build a business, you NEED to be online or your business will be dead in less than 10 years.

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What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I’m not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.

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