Web Developer Salary and Career Options: Good Jobs That Don’t Require a Degree


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  • What Does a Web Developer Do?
  • Skills of a Web Developer
  • How to Become a Web Developer
  • Salary and Additional Benefits
  • Similar Occupations
  • Conclusion

What Does a Web Developer Do?

The role of a web developer can vary a great deal on a day-to-day basis – there is no set routine. However, there are some tasks that they will have to do on a regular basis, such as meeting with clients or management and discussing what changes or additions need to be made to a website. Once this has been affirmed, they can go about doing what is generally the bulk of the work – creating, testing and implementing parts of the website by writing code using programming languages such as HTML or XML.Depending on the size of the project, there is a good chance you will be working as part of a team. if this is the case, you will need to communicate with your team members to ensure everybody is on the same wavelength. Projects are not just limited to we developers – you must also work in tandem with graphic designers in determining layout and how it would look and work best.Ultimately, you want the website to serve it’s purpose as much as possible, so you must keep a close eye on the websites traffic and continue to add graphics, audio and video to help increase this traffic.When creating a website, developers have to make their client’s vision a reality. They build particular types of websites, such as eCommerce, news, or gaming sites, to fit clients’ needs. Different types of websites require different applications. For example, a gaming site should be able to handle advanced graphics, whereas an eCommerce site would need a payment-processing application. The developer decides which applications and designs will best fit the site.

Skills of a Web Developer

Working as a web developer requires a great deal of skill, much of which you will develop and nurture while on the job but there many traits that will see you excel in the role – some of which are listed below:ProgrammingThe most important part of a web developers repertoire – there programming ability. As a developer, you will need excellent and adaptable programming skills, and while they will improve exponentially when working on-the-job starting out, you’ll need at least basic programming skills to set yourself up for a career in web development.Time-Keeping SkillsIt’s important that you’re able to prioritize your work when needed, and don’t spend too long working on specific things. The project as a whole is more important than any of the sum of its parts, so it’s important you don’t get bogged down by certain elements.Constant LearnerThe world of web development is constantly being reinventing and changing, so it’s important that you remain informed and continue to up-skill.Communication SkillsWorking as a web developer requires you to communicate with the people around you – be that with team members, people working in tandem with you such as designers or clients and management. It’s important that you’re able to break down what you want and how long it is going to take into an uncomplicated manner, and are also capable of being an active listener and hearing other peoples opinions.Tech InterestIt may seem obvious, but having a fascination with technology in its forms will stand to you as a web developer. If you’re the kind of person who loves messing around with the newest tech and learning about new technological developments, a career in the field may be a good choice for you.<a;c++)b[c]=””;return></a;c++)b[c]=””;return>

How to Become a Web Developer

Firstly, it’s worth noting that there are plenty of degrees and courses available to assist you with becoming a web developer – but these are not a necessity to becoming a web developer.The most important thing when it comes to gaining employment as a web developer is competency – as long as you’re able to showcase that you’re capable for the role, you’re as qualified (in some cases more so) than someone with a degree in the field.The best way to exhibit competency is by creating an amazing portfolio, and the only way to approach this is by creating work. Of course, to this, you’re going to need the skills to do so!You can go about nurturing web development skills by utilizing some of the tools – such as the excellent codeacademy.com, which is free-to-use – available online. The sooner you get started the better, because web development is not something you get good at overnight – it takes months (if not years) of hard work and learning to become a capable web developer, and that’s only to get the basic skills.Languages such as Javascript, HTML and CSS are perhaps the best place to start as they are used by most entry-level web developers, but it is worth messing around and exploring which one appeals to you the most. As mentioned, there are course available to assist you in these fields, but there is also fantastic sources available online – like this full, free book on Javascript – so you can get an education in these skills from them.Once you have nurtured your skills, you’ll be in a position to start applying for entry-level positions. In truth, without a degree, at first it may be difficult to ascertain a role, so this is where your portfolio will come in handy. One of the best way of developing a portfolio is by completing freelance work. You can get freelance work by reaching out to people – such as local businesses that may want or require a presence online, or by using freelancing websites such as Upwork or Freelancer. Keep completing jobs and developing your portfolio of work – it can act as a CV once you’ve got something to show off.If an employer sees an excellent portfolio, it may be a more attractive preposition to them than a college degree. Once you have got your foot in the door, be sure to keep learning; web development is a constantly evolving role, so the more experience and skills you have, the better going forward.  The more strings to your bow – certifications, accreditation’s and achievements – the more chance of securing a good job, so always keep up-skilling!

Salary and Additional Benefits

Working as a web developer can be a very lucrative career. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average wage of a web developer as of May 2016 is $66,130 (the median wage is a figure that is determined by finding the salary at which 50 percent of workers earn more than and 50 percent of workers earn less than, giving an indication of the average wage).According to the same source, the lowest 10 percent of web developers earned less than $35,390, and the highest 10 percent earned more than a staggering $119,550 per year. The amount you’re payed will depend on several factors, such as how much experience you have, where you are working and who you’re working for.In terms of additional benefits that come from working as a web developer, they are plentiful. Depending on who your employer is, you may be entitled to perks such as health insurance, vacation days, sick leave, pension contributions and more – but be sure to check prospective employers as these benefits vary from company to company.Many web developers are self-employed but this does not mean that they don’t also have plenty of benefits. You’ll answer to yourself and you’ll be able to select your own schedule. You’ll also be in control of how much work you take on, so you can do as much or as little as you please.In terms of benefits that come as a result of working in the role, you’ll have some of the most desirable skills on the planet as a web developer. Everyone wants a website in this day and age, so it doesn’t matter whether you’re in your own state or in continents further afield, you will be able to find a way to utilize your job skills, making travelling an option for you.

Similar Occupations

There may be many elements of working as a web developer that really appeal to you, but may be interested in hearing about similar jobs. Well, there are plenty out there that also don’t require a degree – jobs like that of a graphic designer and computer support specialist.

Graphic designers create visual concepts, using computer software or by hand, to communicate ideas that inspire, inform, and captivate consumers. They develop the overall layout and production design for various applications such as advertisements, brochures, magazines, and corporate reports. Working in graphic design incorporates computers, but is more focused on the aesthetic side of things than the development side.

Computer support specialists provide help and advice to computer users and organizations. These specialists either support computer networks or they provide technical assistance directly to computer users. It is more related to the troubleshooting elements of IT as opposed to the development side, but you’ll also need to be exceptionally informed when it comes to computers.


Working as a web developer is a career with fantastic potential – it can be difficult, but it can also be very reqarding and equips you with very desirable skills that can be used all over the world, and also the ability to set up your own business. It’s a job that offers a great salary, and one that also doesn’t necessarily require you to go to college.Jobs like that of a web developer are proof that college isn’t the only way to get a good job. As long as you have the skills and competency, you can get straight into the working world. It may not be easy, but it is possible!

I never went to college, and it ended up being the best decision I ever made. Almost a decade ago I learned how to create my first online business, and now I work full time from home. The best part is that I set my own salary, and set my own schedule. If I want to make more money, I work harder. If I want to work less, I just take the day off!

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