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If you’re passionate about health and fitness, developing your own fitness blog might be the next step. After all, there are plenty of different things to write about, including workouts, supplements and inspirational stories. Finding good fitness blog name ideas is one of the early challenges that people face. Trying to solve the problem can even derail some budding internet entrepreneurs entirely.
The problem isn’t surprising. Fitness is a large field and there are already many different blogs that focus on the topic. How are you going to find an amazing name that isn’t taken?
I’ve got good news for you – you don’t need to. While it’s nice to find a blog name that you’re overjoyed with, there’s no need to spend countless hours stressing over getting the name just right.
For one thing, there’s never going to be a perfect answer. More importantly, your blog name doesn’t have as much impact as you might expect. The content that you create and your own style end up being much more significant for bringing people back to your site time and time again.
It’s silly to spend so much time on such a little problem when there are more important areas to focus on. That’s why this post highlights a selection of name ideas to inspire you. I go on to talk about critical areas for a blog, including how you buy your domain, ways to get traffic and how you can make money.
50 Fitness Blog Name Ideas
- Fit and Fab Zone
- Pumping Iron News
- Steel Iron Team
- Fight Fit Now
- Lazy Fitness Training
- In Strength and in Fitness
- Sweat and Life
- Paleo Fitness Academy
- Fight Fit Online
- Sweating Truth
- Thick to Ripped
- Battle for Shape
- Crazy Fitness Fun
- Fitness Life Coaching
- Youth Fitness Academy
- Combat for Fitness
- Duel for Health
- Power Fitness
- A Soul of Vigor
- Real Family Fitness
- Get Fun Be Fit
- Fitness for the Idle
- Strength for Anyone
- Grit and Tears
- Epic Sweat and Tears
- In Fitness and in Health
- Paleo Training Guide
- Run Fit to Live
- Fit Meal Planning
- Losing Weight Gaining Fitness
- Affordable Fitness
- Fitness Forest
- A Soul of Fitness
- Building Fitness Fun
- A Life of Strength
- Family Fit Training
- Active for Fitness
- Strength for Beginners
- Fit Gamer Club
- Domestic Strength
- Fitness for Everyday
- The Active Gamer
- Get Fit and More
- Energetic Vigor
- Life Fitness and Health
- Greenhorn’s Fitness
- Get in Shape Space
- Just Get Fit Together
- Couples Body Fitness
- The Basic Fitness
Did you notice that none of these names are simply stunning or impossible to replicate? That’s true for every name out there. Even finding the cleverest name imaginable will only give you a slight edge and might not offer any benefit at all.
How To Choose A Good Blog Name
While you don’t need an amazing blog name to make your site a success, shooting yourself in the foot isn’t a good idea either. Following a few general rules can increase the chances that you’ll find success with your site.
The first thing is that you want to be memorable. It’s no good being one of a dozen sites in the same field with a similar name. Look for something that is memorable, unique and (ideally) short. A name like loseweightfast.com or howtogetskinnynowwithjennifer.com isn’t going to help you stand out from the crowd. There are 100’s of variations on those already.
Wordplay can be a good place to start. You can also look at blog name generators. Many of these check domain availability at the same time. I particularly like the site Domain Wheel, as it can create a variety of options based on a single word, while also offering related ideas to search.
You should also avoid any names that are copyrighted, like Planet Fitness or Nike. Not only will such names confuse your audience, using one could land you in trouble.
For that matter, it’s worth doing a Google search of any name that you think of, just to see what comes up. Doing so is a great way to scope out any competition and to see what concepts are associated with the name you’re interested in.

One final pointer is to watch out for domain names that have unusual spelling choices, dashes, numbers or anything similar. While this type of domain name can seem fun, it is always best if potential visitors can find your website after hearing the name once. Having to explain the spelling multiple times can get a bit frustrating too (I know this one from experience).
Do you know what w316h7l055.com means? Hint: the number represent letters in the l33t “internet language”. Confusing, right?

Keyword VS Branding
There are two general styles to consider with a domain name. One is to focus on the keyword. You might choose a domain name that is literally just your keyword or one that contains or two words related to your niche (like ‘home gym’ or ‘fat loss tools’).
With this type of domain name, visitors know what to expect from your site. The domain name can also have some SEO benefits. That being said, having a keyword in your domain isn’t as critical as it once was.
The downside is that keyword domain names can seem a bit boring. Your name could also end up too close to your competition, especially if you are operating in a crowded niche. Remember, everyone has the same keyword tools as you.
Brandable domain names are the other option. These focus on being unique and memorable. The name doesn’t need to have anything to do with your topic. It doesn’t even need to be a real word.
Of course, finding a brandable name that you’re happy with is another story. Many people feel like there are simply too many options, which can get overwhelming.
Keyword and branding approaches are simply two different ways to think about domain names. Neither is right or wrong and many people end up with something in between the two styles.
How To Buy A Domain Name
Domain names can be purchased from registrar companies. Some blog name generators will recommend a specific company, but you’re not forced to stick with that one.
Some of the most common examples include GoDaddy, Domain.com and Google Domains. Shopping around is important, as companies often use different pricing structures. In some cases, an apparently cheap domain name is linked to an expensive renewal fee.
My current preference is Namecheap. I love how clear the pricing is and how the doesn’t try to force members to buy multiple services. You can buy plenty of domain name types too, like .blog, .my, .zone and much more. Of course, a .com is typically the best choice for ranking.
How To Build & Make Money From Your Fitness Website
Here’s another thing to think about – how do you want to build your site?
Free website builders like Wix or Weebly can be appealing as you don’t need to pay anything at the beginning. These can be a really good way to play around with concepts and to see what your potential blog could look like.
Even so, this type of builder tends to be limited. You might only be able to make a handful of pages and/or be forced to display ads for the company. Some free builders also have rules about hosting ads and using affiliate marketing.
While you can upgrade to a paid plan with many website builders, a self-hosted WordPress website is a more powerful idea. This type of site can take a little longer to set up, but you have much more control.
That being said, a WordPress website doesn’t need to be complicated. You can follow my guide for creating such a site from the ground up. The whole process is surprisingly simple, giving you more time for content creation. You may be tempted to look specifically for a “fitness theme”, for your blog, but actually, any theme could be fine for a fitness website. As you customize your website with images and text, it will be obvious what you’re blogging about through the content you create.

How Much Do Fitness Bloggers Make?
Nerd Fitness is my favorite fitness site because Steve Kamb has taken such an unusual approach. As his site name suggests, Steve considers himself to be a nerd. His site and content are geared towards others who feel the same. I like that he took a general topic like fitness, but made it specific to an audience who may feel shunned by typical fitness gurus or bro mentality, or people who just like “nerdy” aspects of fitness like calorie calculators, meal planning, and weight loss/muscle gain statistics
Steve doesn’t publish income reports, but he was featured in a Forbes article in 2016. At the time of the article, Nerd Fitness had a seven-figure revenue stream, which mostly came from online courses.
As part of the growth process, Steve has expanded what his site offers over time. He also started as a solo blogger and eventually began to employ other people as the need arose.
Keep this mentality in mind. You can absolutely start off as just a one-person blogging machine, then graduate to bigger and better projects as your knowledge of the online marketing space grows. This story is a common refrain across all industries in the blogging world.
Jessica Castaneda is another example of success in the fitness field. She runs the site Easy Living Today, which talks about fitness and living a healthy lifestyle.
Jessica has been blogging for three years now and earns around $20,000 a month (although, there is some month-to-month variation). She started earning with Amazon Associates and made a tiny amount through ads. Ads, eBooks, sponsored posts and affiliate marketing are now her main sources of income.
Display Ads
The term display ads simply refers to the auto-generated ads that you see on many different websites. While these can be annoying when used to excess, the right balance allows you to earn money from your audience while still keeping them engaged with your content.
Ads are an appealing way to make money as they don’t need to be linked to your content at all. You can even just set them up once and ignore them. Many people do just that, using Google AdSense or a display ad network.
Don’t worry if you like more control. You can also tweak many things, such as the sizes of ads you display and where these are placed. Simple changes can sometimes influence your overall income, so it’s worth giving the process a try and seeing what the impacts are.
One great thing about ads is that you can ignore them when writing content. This is fantastic for pieces that have nothing to do with products at all. The process can also feel much more authentic. Just write what you want, and as long as it ranks for something, you can make money.
Still, there is a catch. Ads don’t generally provide a large amount of income unless you have a large amount of traffic. This can be disheartening for beginners, but don’t give up. The income does still add up and there are plenty of ways to get traffic to your website.
Affiliate Links
Affiliate marketing is one of the main alternative to having ads on your website, especially if you don’t plan on launching your own digital products. Affiliate marketing is a more active (focused) way to earn since you are driving targeted traffic to relevant affiliate products.
The concept of affiliate marketing is simple. You’re promoting products from other companies. You earn a commission from sales that you make, without influencing the price that customers need to pay.
Bloggers often get started with Amazon Associates, which is Amazon’s affiliate program. The program offers one of the lowest affiliate percentages in the field, but it does have an extensive variety of products that you can promote. Because of this, Amazon Associates can be a good entry point into this type of website monetization.
Amazon has everything from shoe laces to 500lb squat racks and bench presses with olympic weights. Free shipping on a new weight set is a huge incentive to buy through Amazon!
There are plenty of other affiliate programs to choose from too. The fitness industry is huge, and could include anything from in-depth looks at building muscle for women over 50, to simple protein shake reviews. Making money from a fitness website is 100% possible for anyone with the drive to make it happen.
In fact, the sheer number of fitness affiliate programs means that you can promote most types of product. This makes affiliate marketing a viable choice for most (if not all) different fields and angles within the fitness niche.
On a side note, you can use affiliate marketing and display ads at the same time. Many bloggers do. Just make sure that you carefully read the terms and conditions of any program that you join. Some are more restrictive than others.
It’s also important to avoid going overboard. A website that sounds like a sales pitch and nothing more isn’t likely to get many repeat visitors. It’s important that your site provides people with value so that they keep coming back.

Final Thoughts
Blogs are powerful tools for making money online since you have the chance to reach a niche audience across the globe. You are not restricted on just your local community, and that opens up a huge range of opportunities to make money online.
While the blog name might be one of the first things that people notice about your site, it certainly isn’t the most important part. At the end of the day, a good site will be successful regardless of the site name, while a horrible site won’t do well even if it has an amazing name.
Should You Start Your Own Blog?
Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!
If you want to actually make something of your site, and earn the kind of income that could allow you to quit your job and work full time online, then this members-only training site is what I recommend. If you’re serious about making some moves, they’re your best shot at building some fat traffic to your brand and profiting from your blog!
What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!