50 Technology Blog Name Ideas To Capitalize On This High Paying Niche

Technology is a fascinating topic, especially as there is so much growth and change. It’s also a perfect topic for blogging, as there are many different niches and sub-niches to focus on. After all, you want to stand out among all the other bloggers, but how do you go about it?
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Part of the challenge of finding a tech blog name idea is that there are simply so many options. Figuring out whether you want a broad name or a specific one might help, but even then, the task of finding a good name can feel overwhelming.
Here’s a good piece of news – your blog name doesn’t matter. Really. The specific name that you choose won’t end up defining your site.
It’s still worth putting some effort in and finding a blog name that you like. The trick is not to spend an excessive amount of time on the process. Once you have a name that’s good enough, move onto the next steps.
Does that still sound too complicated? If so, don’t worry. The goal of this post is to teach you some key tips and tricks for finding a blog name, along with other important aspects of getting your site started.
Table of Contents
- 50 Blog Name Ideas For Technology
- How To Choose A Good Blog Name
- Keyword VS Branding
- How To Build & Make Money From Your Technology Website
- How Much Do Technology Bloggers Make?
- Display Ads
- Affiliate Links
- Final Thoughts
- Should You Start Your Own Blog?
- How To Choose A Good Blog Name
50 Blog Name Ideas For Technology
- My High Tech Shop
- Best Technology Now
- Top Technology Online
- Technology Trends Zone
- Best Drones Guide
- 3D Game Academy
- Tech Biases
- Retro Tech Solutions
- The Tech Border
- Tech Curve News
- Gizmos and Good Things
- Techie’s Dreams
- Telehealth Homes
- Future Tech Rocks
- Smart House Interiors
- New Features Tech
- Technology and Mental Health
- Technophobe Zone
- Piecing it Together
- Tech Babble
- Developing Tech Systems
- Tech Guru Space
- Tech Edge Design
- Gizmos Box
- Gizmo Alerts
- Best Gadgets Center
- Technological Dreamscape
- Avoiding Tech
- Smart Tech for Beginners
- Tech Fever USA
- Gizmo Moon
- 3D Tech Blog
- Next Gen Café
- Feature Ridden Systems
- Best Tech for Newbies
- Top Technology Online
- Mad About Software
- Cutting Edge Tech
- Retro Tech Star
- Tech Straight Talk
- Techno Wiz Reviews
- Tech Hustle
- Technophobe Tech
- Technology for Wellness
- Technological Dreams
- Tech Curve Guide
- Drone Tricks Zone
- Technology of Health
- Mad About Your Tech
- Gadgets and Objects
How To Choose A Good Blog Name

The blog name you choose won’t have a huge impact on your site. Even so, there are some general rules that can help you avoid serious issues.
The first of these is to choose a unique name which describes your site in some way. For example, if you’re a personal finance blogger offering advice on roboadvisor investing, you’ll want to pick a name which describes your expertise in this field.
Also, Don’t go for something that is very similar to another brand, even if you can find a good domain name. Similar blog names cause no end of confusion. Everyone is well aware of SmartPassiveIncome.com, but DumbPassiveIncome.com (real domain) never really took off. It ends up being difficult to develop your own reputation. You might lose traffic to your competitor too, especially if they are already well-established.
There’s also the risk of legal trouble if the name that you are inspired by is copyrighted. There aren’t many benefits of having a similar blog name anyway, so it’s best to avoid the issue entirely.
Another good practice is to make things clear for your audience. Your site should be easy to find and to remember. As a general rule, try to make it so that people can find your site even if they just hear the site name in casual conversation.
For example, the website 9to5mac.com is a bit confusing. It has nine and five as numerals, along with the word ‘to’. Someone could easily think the name was 925mac.com or ninetwofivemac.com.
To get around issues like this, I recommend that you avoid using numbers in blog names entirely, along with any unusually spelled words. For that matter, be careful of any words that have multiple spellings.
Choosing a predictable domain extension is relevant too. The most common choice remains .com. Not only is this the extension that people expect, it also tends to rank the best.
The extensions .net and .org have some power too, while local domain names like .com.au or .co.nz can be relevant (but only if you’re targeting a local market). Usually I leave it at that, but in the tech space, .co and .io domain names are also popular.
Try to avoid the more unusual domain extensions, like .xyz. They might seem trendy, but they’re confusing and they can decrease how much people trust your site.
Lastly, consider what inspired you, along with anything unusual that you have to offer. For example, the site torrentfreak.com focuses on filesharing and the implications of the process. In contrast, the-gadgeteer.com talks about gadgets, smartphones and other tools for geeks.
Keyword VS Branding
The most obvious blog name style is one that relies on a keyword. This process can be relevant for getting traffic to your blog and helping visitors to recognize your topic.
An exact match domain is one version of this approach. With this style, you’re choosing a domain name that includes the entire keyword that you’re targeting. A site called besttechforbeginners.com is one example and would target the keyword ‘best tech for beginners’.
Most of the time, an exact match domain will tend to have three or four keywords, which creates a fairly narrow focus for your site. It’s possible to have an exact match domain with a two-word keyword, but most of the good ones will already be taken.
Exact match domains are useful. They make the topic of your site clear and may even provide some ranking advantages. Just be aware that an exact match domain isn’t going to be a shortcut for ranking your blog. You still need to put the work in.
Alternatively, you could consider a branded blog name. A branded name is basically one that doesn’t focus on a keyword. You might find some that use a related word or two (like ‘tech’), but that’s pretty much it.
Branded names are especially common in the tech field, perhaps because there are so many different topics to consider.
In fact, a branded name might be essential if you plan to cover multiple types of technology. Finding and including relevant keywords could easily be an unrealistic goal. There are many examples of this, including geekwire.com, theverge.com, wired.com and gizmodo.com.
Using a branded name is great, as you can expand your site out in whatever direction that you choose to. This works well if you’re hoping to create an authority site.
Besides, technology changes very quickly and unexpectedly. A branded name offers a better chance of keeping in with that change.
Of course, there are disadvantages too. Finding a suitable name is the most immediate issue. You don’t have much of a starting point when you’re trying to figure out a branded name (after all, the name can be almost anything).
Most branded names aren’t immediately recognizable either, so people won’t know what your site focuses on just by seeing the brand name. This issue decreases as your site becomes more well-known, but it is still significant at the beginning.
How To Build & Make Money From Your Technology Website
The next step is building your website. This process can sound difficult, but it really isn’t. Before we get to that though, we need to talk about the type of site that you’re going to build.
There are two general styles to consider. The first of these is to use a website builder like Weebly.
You’ve probably seen website builders around. There are plenty of them out there, in many different styles. They all follow one theme – to make it easy to create a website.
That’s not all. Website builders give you the chance to make something very stunning, without much work at all. This can sound amazing if you’ve never made a website before.
Website builders are useful in some situations. They’re particularly good for some types of portfolio sites, as well as sites for small businesses.
However, they have serious limitations too. You’ll often find that there are various things you can’t change. Some of them are surprising. I’ve played around with some website builders where you can’t even change key parts of the layout.
This becomes critical as you build out your site more. You may find that there are many things that you can’t do, depending on the functions that you’re looking for. The limitations become serious if you’re looking to make money through your website.
That brings us to the second style of website, a self-hosted WordPress site. WordPress is a popular content management system. It has a steeper learning curve (don’t worry, there are plenty of tutorials to help you create your site).
WordPress is also much more powerful than a website builder. WordPress becomes almost essential if you want a comprehensive and functional site.
The combination of themes, plugins and support gives you the ability to make a site exactly as you want to.
Making money through your site is one final area to talk about. There are various ways to do this, including some standard approaches and some that are much more creative. But, there are two particularly relevant ones for beginners – affiliate marketing and display ads.
Those two approaches work well, as you don’t need a decent reputation or traffic base to get started. You can start slowly and build up from there.
How Much Do Technology Bloggers Make?
One interesting technology site is True Valhalla. This site takes a different tech angle than most, as the author develops online HTML5 games. His 2018 income report showcased $107,312 in earnings across the year.
2018 was a particularly busy year for the owner of True Valhalla. He spent relatively little time working on his blog, as the game development side of his tech work because extremely busy.
The success of True Valhalla shows that you can vary your income sources in the tech field. In some cases, using a blog can be a way to promote other services and develop a reputation, rather than being your primary income source.
The site Adam Enfroy takes a different angle and highlights software. His income report for September 2019 showed earnings of $35,174. Around $18,000 of this income came from affiliate marketing.
Most of his other income came from freelancing. Specifically, Adam provided SEO consulting services for a small number of businesses.
Display Ads
So then, what about making money yourself? Display ads are the first approach to consider. To use them, you need to sign up for a display ad network. While it isn’t necessarily the best option out there, many people start with Google AdSense.
Display ads follow a simple concept. You’re just hosting ads in various spaces around your website. Some ad networks will even work out where to place the ads for you, making the whole process very hands-off.
The passive nature of display ads is what makes them work so well. This means that you don’t need to focus on products or sales pitches when you’re writing content.
You can simply write as you want to. Being able to do so is fantastic for topics where there isn’t a natural link through to products.
Just be aware that display ads are heavily traffic dependent. You’re often just earning cents when you first get started. It takes a long time to build up enough traffic to earn a decent amount from an ad-based site.
Affiliate Links
Thankfully, display ads aren’t the only way to earn. You can also turn to affiliate marketing. In fact, you can use display ads and affiliate marketing on the same website.
Affiliate marketing involves actively promoting products from affiliate programs. You’re basically doing some marketing for the program. If they make a sale because of your efforts (i.e. through your affiliate link), then you earn a commission.
The system is simplicity itself and is very easy to scale. After all, you don’t need to make a different sales pitch for each customer. Instead, the same piece of content could get you hundreds of sales or perhaps more.
There are also plenty of products and affiliate programs to choose from. For example, you could consider 3D printer affiliate programs or perhaps podcast affiliate programs. Digital product affiliate programs would also work, but really there are endless possibilities depending on your individual niche.
While affiliate marketing does involve active research and planning than display ads, the end result is well worth the effort.
Final Thoughts
The name of your site might seem absolutely critical at first, but it is just one of many decisions that you’ll make when you’re building your site. In the end, they’re all simply part of the process.
As long as you’re creating decent content on a regular basis and offering value to your visitors, the name that you choose isn’t really going to matter. Besides, even if you got the ‘perfect’ name right now, you’d probably find that it became less ideal over time.
Should You Start Your Own Blog?
Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!
If you want to actually make something of your site, and earn the kind of income that could allow you to quit your job and work full time online, then this members-only training site is what I recommend. If you’re serious about making some moves, they’re your best shot at building some fat traffic to your brand and profiting from your blog!
What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!