Top 10 School Affiliate Programs To Get Smarter & Richer


In August, many stores stock pencils, crayons, notebooks, and backpacks at the front of their stores, drawing in back-to-school shoppers. Children’s clothes and shoes go on sale, and even items like tissues and antibacterial wipes show up at the ends of the aisles.

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Elementary schools are just one piece of the education system, though. Colleges, career schools, homeschool options, and even online high schools and preschools help make up an enormous industry. By 2026, the U.S. education industry is expected to reach $2,040 billion.

That’s a lot of money, and affiliate marketers can benefit from this. Read about these top 10 school affiliate programs to find out more about the kinds of affiliate programs out there and how you can put them to work for you, and here are some general education affiliate programs worth exploring as well.

This photo shows a smiling young man in a red sweater, holding a book, while behind him three girls talk together in front of what appears to be a school building, representing the best school affiliate programs.With these best school affiliate programs, affiliate marketers can increase their income and connect students to the programs that will help them most.

School Affiliate Programs

  1. American High School
  2. Treehouse
  3. Digital Photography School
  4. Allied Schools
  5. Shaw Academy
  6. School Tutoring Academy
  7. 7 Sisters
  8. Penn Foster
  9. Udemy
  10. The Home Scholar

1. American High School

This screenshot of the home page for American High School has a maroon header with white text and a large photo of a smiling woman in a graduation cap and gown in front of a blurred background showing a line of other graduates.American High School has a fully accredited curriculum.
  • URL: American High School Affiliate Program
  • Commission: 20-25%
  • Cookie: 90 days

American High School is an online high school program with tuition costs of around $219-339 for individual courses. A full year of six courses costs ranging from $1,095 for sixth grade to $1,695 for 12th grade.

The curriculum is fully accredited and covers basic English, math, and science requirements, as well as electives and foreign languages. Homeschool students and students needing credit recovery or summer school are good fits for this program. American High School also has options for elementary and middle school grades. Preschool through second-grade students can enroll for free.

Why You Should Promote American High School: This affiliate program has the potential to make a lot of money. One affiliate made $4,500 in one month from 15 referrals with this program. It’s also a topic with a broad appeal, so it can reach a wide range of people regardless of whether the website is a niche site or not.

2. Treehouse

Treehouse has a seven-day free trial.

Treehouse provides technology education, including coding, UX Design, PHP development, and front-end web development. The services have a monthly fee that ranges from $25/month for basic coding to $199 per month for full Tech degree programs that run 3-12 months. The tech degree classes are designed to help students launch a career in the tech field.

Technology positions have an average $75,000 starting salary and there are around 500,000 available jobs, so moving into a technology field is a career change or career choice that appeals to a lot of people. There’s a free trial, too, so it’s risk-free for customers who want to see if it’s a good fit for them.

Their affiliate program is administered by FlexOffers.

Why You Should Promote Treehouse: The free trial, the relatively high salary, and the number of open technology positions could convert some shoppers to buyers—and when they subscribe, the commission is a nice 50%.

3. Digital Photography School

This screenshot of the home page for Digital Photography School includes a large overhead-shot photograph of a person in a black hooded jacket with a nice camera taking a picture of a rocky stream bed, along with white text reading 'Ready to take better photos?' and an opt-in bar.Digital Photography School sells e-books and training videos for aspiring photographers and those who want to improve their craft.

Digital Photography School sells educational e-books, courses, and presets to help aspiring photographers improve their craft. The e-book library currently contains 24 e-books covering different aspects of photography, and there are seven beginning and intermediate courses listed on the website.

The courses run around $99 each and cover topics such as landscape photography or night photography.

The website also has daily tips and tutorials, as well as reviews on photography equipment. It could become a valuable resource for photography students and lead them to become repeat customers.

Why You Should Promote Digital Photography School: This is a specialized school that could draw a niche crowd, the product sales have a decently high price, and the commission rate is nice, too.

4. Allied Schools

screenshot of Allied Schools homepageAllied Schools is California’s leading real estate school.

Allied School has been a leader in online education since 1992. They now offer online real estate education for agents and brokers across industry-leading and multiple learning platforms, like self-paced online courses or live stream classes. They give focus on the California real estate market.

Their online courses give working adults convenient and flexible learning options, whether they’re just getting started or already a seasoned pro at real estate. They have a 4.5 out of 5 average customer rating and regarded as the number one online school ranked by thousands of real estate professionals.

Allied Schools affiliate program offers you different options with accompanying establishment costs except for Option 1. The first one has no cost associated with the setup of the model and grants you a 35% commission on illustrated and annotated 20-hour short courses sold. Check out their affiliate page for information on the other options they offer.

Why You Should Promote Allied Schools: The courses can be priced around $200 or £100 and with 35% commission there is surely a great return there. Allied Real Estate Schools is part of a family of leading brands that are in the business of helping real estate professionals.

5. Shaw Academy

This screenshot of the home page for Shaw Academy shows a blue header above a page with a white background and black text reading 'Master new skills' and a table with a lamp, a camera, a laptop computer, and a large framed diploma in photography from Shaw Academy.Shaw Academy is a great resource for learning new career skills.

Shaw Academy offers more than 50 courses covering topics such as photography, finance, technology, design, marketing, and more. The aim is to help professionals increase their skills or even transition into new careers by getting the education they need.

Most of the courses come with diplomas. Many of them can be purchased one module at a time, for around $50 per module, so learning can take place on the student’s timetable and as classes fit into their financial budget, as well.

While Shaw Academy targets professionals seeking to widen their skill sets or switch careers, this company also offers coding classes for kids. Their affiliate program is administered by Impact.

Why You Should Promote Shaw Academy: There’s a 30-day free trial that covers the first module of most courses, so trying out the program is risk-free for students. The conversion rate is around 25%.

6. School Tutoring Academy

 This screenshot of the home page for School Tutoring Academy has a white header and a blue navigation bar above a large photo of one woman tutoring another, behind white text announcing affordable tutoring services.School Tutoring Academy provides affordable tutoring services.

School Tutoring Academy is a tutoring service designed to help busy families and their students. The company matches students with tutors in English, math, science, study skills, ESL, and even homework help or test preparation.

There are specialized tutor categories to help students with learning difficulties, and tutors can be matched up by grade, as well, and the company also offers some corporate tutoring solutions.

Home tutoring programs usually provide two tutoring sessions a week. Depending on the grade level, monthly fees range from around $200-$230 per month.

Why You Should Promote School Tutoring Academy: The commission rate is high, and when it’s combined with the decent price tag of a monthly service, even a handful of sales could make a big difference in affiliate income.

7. 7 Sisters

This screenshot of the home page for 7 Sisters Homeschool includes a white-filtered photograph of students in graduation caps and gowns, facing away from the camera, behind the 7 Sisters logo, and the page also includes a green header and navigation bar and three smaller sections with photographs and green accents to allow shoppers to filter their searches for topics including career exploration, consumer math and financial literacy, and health and sciences.7 Sisters Homeschooling sells mostly high-school grade curriculum to homeschooling families.

7 Sisters is a curriculum company for homeschoolers, mostly for families with high school-aged students, who want quality education resources without a lot of busywork. Most of the curriculum comes in e-book format. The e-books cover topics such as literature, financial literacy, health and social sciences, and career exploration.

There’s a strong focus on written communication with this company. There are ten different products focused on literature studies and six detailed writing programs. These include research writing, essay writing, poetry writing, real-world writing, short story writing, and an English writing overview.

Why You Should Promote 7 Sisters: One great feature this company provides is coaching for parents who are nervous about homeschooling through high school. This could convert some shoppers, and the commission rate and cookie length are nice, too.

8. Penn Foster

 This screenshot of the home page for Penn Foster High School shows a photo of a young woman lying on her bed doing homework, along with an orange sales bar at the bottom of the page and a white header with the logo and contact information at the top of the page.Penn Foster High School provides an accredited, affordable and self-paced option for completing high school online.

Penn Foster provides online school options for high school, college, and career education, with an affiliate program linked to its high school.

The high school is accredited, self-paced and flexible, with a mobile-friendly platform and affordable payment opportunities. There’s a discount for paying in full, and payment plans run around $50 per month. Penn Foster also reduces the price by $30 for each course that’s transferred to the Penn Foster high school from another high school.

Why You Should Promote Penn Foster: Penn Foster has around 60,000 students in its online high school. It’s a well-known name, which gives a sense of security to some shoppers and converts them.

9. Udemy

This screenshot of the home page for Udemy shows a photograph of a man's hands accessing Udemy classes on a mobile phone, behind white text inviting potential students to learn on their own schedule.Udemy is a marketplace for purchasing courses and learning in a self-paced, online environment.

Udemy is as much a class marketplace as it is a school. There are more than 100,000 courses that cover an enormous range of topics, including information technology and software, personal development, crypto-currency, and pet training.

The courses are created and uploaded to Udemy by anyone who has something to teach, which means the variety of courses is nearly endless. Many of the courses can be used for continuing education in career paths. Others are just for the fun of learning. They are all self-paced, so students can learn in a manageable time frame and within their budget.

Why You Should Promote Udemy: Besides the wide variety of courses, Udemy runs periodic sales where courses can be sold at steep discounts. This has the potential to create situations where students stock up on courses, and this could mean a higher shopping cart total and repeat sales.

10. The Home Scholar

This screenshot of the home page for The Home Scholar includes a blue section with white text on the left side of the page that introduces Lee Binz as a homeschooling expert and a picture of a woman with shoulder-length blonde hair and a green cardigan sitting behind a table on the left side of the page.The Home Scholar has a variety of e-books, resources, and monthly subscriptions for families who are homeschooling through high school.

The Home Scholar is the website for Lee Binz, a best-selling author, public speaker, and homeschool consultant. Binz has written 40 books on homeschooling, with a focus on homeschooling through high school.

The online store includes products to help manage transcripts and records as well as a college launch pack, which is currently priced around $497. Home Scholar books are sold here, as well as A La Carte parent training programs.

The Home Scholar also has a few monthly subscription services to provide resources and coaching to homeschooling families. The costs per month range from $27 for a Silver Training Club program to $67 per month for the Gold Care Club package.

Why You Should Promote The Home Scholar: The cookie length is one of the best I’ve seen for a school-related program. The Home Scholar also has a nice range of products for providing support for families homeschooling through high school, and that could be a converting factor.

Affiliate Website Ideas

Now that you’ve learned about the top 10 school affiliate programs, what ideas do you have for implementing them in your own niche market websites? I have a few of my own ideas to share that you can use as springboards, too.

For example, a niche market website focusing on homeschooling high-school-aged students with ADHD could promote tutoring services, online high schools, and parent homeschool coaching services like the ones listed above. A website like this could also promote vitamins, supplements, and natural treatments for ADHD, as well as neurofeedback and other brain training services and equipment.

What about a website focused on helping middle-aged people change careers? Online schools like the Shaw Institute, Treehouse, and Udemy could be featured on a website like this. Resume services, job boards, and executive coaching could also be promoted here.

Here’s one more idea: a website focused on single parenting could feature links to online high schools and colleges for continuing education. A website like this could also promote financial services such as loans, easy and affordable meal services, and children’s clothing.

Boost Your Affiliate Earnings

These 10 affiliate programs are just the beginning of what’s possible. There are hundreds of ways to earn affiliate commissions with your website, including product reviews, top 10 lists, how-to guides, and more

But what about traffic and conversions? How do you make sure your affiliate links get clicked?

I used the affiliate training here to turn my brand new website into a six-figure income generator in less than two years. Build a business, not just a pocket-money side project!

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