Wake Up Now has long since died out. Want to actually make money online and not have a company disappear? My top recommendation has been around for more than a decade.
What Is Wake Up Now?
Pay a monthly subscription fee to get discounts on various products/services. Sell subscriptions to your friends in an MLM/Pyramid scheme fashion. One guy gets rich by selling subscriptions, so everyone then goes subscriptions instead of actually using the discounts for anything.
Short Review
In case you didn’t know network marketing is very similar to a pyramid scheme. The products and services featured in Wake Up Now can be found at OTHER companies that provide better service, higher quality products, and are not associated with sketchy business “opportunities”.
Remember: It’s very likely that you’ll be scamming friends and family with this stuff, so think long and hard if you would let someone close to you join something like this.
Why You Shouldn’t Pay Money Into This Garbage
No doubt the person trying to get you in on this opportunity told you two basic things.
- You can make a bunch of money doing this
- Wake Up Now has a great line of products.
Let’s address these two points.
1. There is a very high probability that you will make almost nothing. In fact, less than 1% of people selling this product make more than $8 grand per year.
56% of people make $0.10 per year. 4% make about 8 grand. Less than 1% make any sort of real income.
2) Anything you can buy through WUN can be bought somewhere else, for cheaper, or with more value.
Why on Earth would I have WUN be my travel agent when I could use Expedia or Priceline, two companies that do this professionally, and are multi-billion dollar companies with the infrastructure to provide better deals and better support?
Would you trust Norton, McAfee, or a sales pitch called “Wake Up Now” to protect your computer from viruses and identity theft? I think the choice is obvious.
And there’s really not reason at all why I would choose to order some expensive energy drinks from this company when I can buy a Monster at the gas station for $1.50, or a Red Bull, or a Rock Star, or Amp, or the million other types of drinks out there.
The only reason do to any of these things would be if you were paying a monthly subscription
Is There Anything Positive To Say?
As much as I knock their product line, I think they do a lot better job than these other companies that restrict their products to “digital downloads”. This is NOT an endorsement of this company, I just try to find something positive in every product/system I review.
Let’s Dig Into This Hot Garbage
The number one issue with this type of company is that paying a subscription to save money is ridiculous. I do not see the value in spending an extra $100 per month so that I can save money on energy drinks and vacations.
People get involved in “biz ops” like this because they want to make money. They want to change their lives for the better, provide themselves with more income, or achieve financial independence.
But how can you do this when you are paying a monthly fee in order to save money on items that you normally wouldn’t buy?
This is not making money. It’s just consumerism
Another issue I have with this company and network marketing in general is that this will NOT be a strong foundation for your future. Most people spend a lot of time hopping from one company to the next, each time buying into the “revolutionary system”, the “game changing product”, and the chance to “get in on the ground floor” before things really get hot…
But I’ve heard these stories so many times, and just a few years later, no one is talking about them.
Because no one wants to buy this junk. In my opinion, getting ANYONE into something like this means you are scamming them. I would not advise anyone to join anything that I would not join myself.
THIS is what Wake Up Now wants you to think you will be
But in reality, THIS is what you will be
Most of your work will be cold calling friends and family, telling them how great these deals are, how fantastic the product line is, and how much money they can make. Does this sound like you dream job to you? Not me.
Are all your friends spamming Instagram and Facebook telling you what a life-changing opportunity this is? Do they get mad when you ask too many questions or say you’re not interested? Network Marketers are no stranger to brainwashing. Watch the video below.
Final Review
Trouble on the horizon: WUN leader steps down. The same thing happened to Empower Network when one of their CEOs “became ill” and took off. Sounds like Vemma is in trouble, getting sued for pyramid selling.
Still don’t believe me? Listen to the reputable radio cast from NPR. If you can’t dedicate an hour to listen to this, you probably shouldn’t be spending your money on this thing:
WUN has officially stopped network marketing operations, and top sellers are jumping ship. People are getting sued. All hell is breaking loose. #toldyouso
What Now?
I know you want to make money online, and I can teach you how to do it (the way I do it). But we need to get a few things straight:
1) You need to be willing to LEARN
2) You need to put in some TIME before you see results
I write reviews on One More Cup of Coffee because I want to show folks like you how to build a strong foundation to your very first online business. I started out in 2010 with a tiny little website making $0 per month, and now I work for myself full time.
Learn how I did it, and how you can do it too by reading the review of my all-time #1 rated product.
Questions? Comments? Hate mail? Leave ’em below!
What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. My name is Nathaniell and I’m the owner of One More Cup of Coffee. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!