Top 10 Disaster Preparation Affiliate Programmes

SHTF and general natural disaster preparedness have some similarities and some differences. Either way, they are an emotional topic and great money makers for affiliates. Are you ready to create your own disaster preparation affiliate website?

Disaster preparation affiliate

Only 39% of people have an emergency plan that they have discussed with their household according to a 2015 FEMA survey. The Washington Post reported that 80% of Americans live in counties that have been hit by a weather-related disaster since 2007.

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Here are 10 great disaster preparation affiliate programs that help families prepare for all types of unexpected disasters, and you can also browse these survivalist affiliate programmes for even more ideas of what to promote on your website.


Disaster Preparation Affiliate Programmes


Valley Food Storage

screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for Valley Food Storage

Valley Food Storage produces high-quality long term food storage without any added preservatives

Valley Food Storage makes the top of the line food storage. All of their products are made in house and have some of the longest-lasting shelf lives on the market. They eliminate all the unhealthy preservatives to create the highest quality long term food storage. Free domestic shipping is available on all orders in the US and they offer a 30 day no questions asked satisfaction guarantee.

Affiliates can sign up for their affiliate programme with AvantLink. They offer one-on-one affiliate support along with industry-leading tools and scripts. Affiliate tools include product ad widgets, deal feeds, RSS feeds, dynamic scripts, data feeds, and more. They also have a dropshipping programme where you can offer their products on your own site.

Reasons To Promote Valley Food Storage: Long-lasting preservative-free food storage, 30-day satisfaction guarantee and free shipping.

Take Note: Affiliates can also join their affiliate programme with Commission Junction but their commission rate is only 13% instead of 14%.

Amateur Radio Supplies

amateur radio affiliate program

To be fair, this affiliate programme doesn’t look like the best one out there, but it was the only HAM radio affiliate program I could find. A higher-quality alternative for radios would be RadioDitty, but then again, they also don’t list their commission or cookie numbers. Regardless, I think either one of these would be worth following up on.

One of the main problems with disasters, natural or otherwise, is that communication goes down immediately and people are left scared without information. Being able to communicate via radio in the midst of a disaster could be important for peace of mind and safety!

Reasons To Promote Amateur Radio Supplies: Unique set of products which will be in-demand for a very specific audience, plus, despite just being “metal and rubber”, some of these radio supplies are quite expensive!

Emergency Essentials

screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for Emergency Essentials

Emergency Essentials has all the supplies and information you need to say informed about disaster preparation with a lowest price guarantee

Emergency Essentials’ goal is to help people prepare for the unexpected. They have special relationships with the Department of Homeland Security, experienced professionals, and emergency response organisations to provide their customers with up to date information and recommendations. They offer a low price guarantee and families, friends, and neighbors save even more money by splitting costs and buying in bulk.

Affiliates can share their affiliate code by adding products, banners, or text ads to their website. They will also create custom ads for you. Emergency Essentials uses Rakuten Marketing to manage their affiliate programme and provide access to all their creative, data feed, reporting tools, and issue monthly payments. They even provide you with advice on how to best promote their products.

Reasons To Promote Emergency Essentials: Up to date disaster preparation advice, low price guarantee and bulk discounts.

Take Note: Because of Nexus laws, not all states are allowed to apply. However, they do offer paid advertising as an alternative.

Wise Food Storage

screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for Wise Food Storage

Wise Food Storage offers an easy to prepare, convenient, and affordable disaster preparation food storage solution

Wise Food Storage is one of the top providers of high quality, gourmet freeze-dried food, and food storage for emergency preparedness and outdoor use. Their products are easy to prepare, affordable, and convenient. Most have a shelf life of up to 25 years. They are made from high-quality ingredients and taste great.

Affiliates receive monthly commission checks or direct deposit payments as long as their total earning is $25 or more. Wise Food Storage uses Commission Junction and AvantLink to manage their affiliate programmes. Both networks track sales, issue payouts, and provide great affiliate resources. Their affiliate managers are available to provide recommendations of the best places to put links on your site and advice on successful promotion methods.

Reasons To Promote Wise Food Storage: Lots of great marketing tools and advice on how to best market their high-quality food storage products.

American Family Safety

screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for American Family Safety

American Family Safety offers affordable disaster kits based on the recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security

American Family Safety sells emergency products including first-aid kits, safety kits, emergency food and water supplies, and more to help families be prepared for any disaster. Their survival kits are based on recommendations from the Department of Homeland Security and are customisable. Each kit is affordable, portable, and made up of high-quality products.

The average order size is $150. American Family Safety partnered with ShareASale to run their affiliate programme. Affiliates receive a large selection of text links, banners, and customised creatives. Special bonuses and incentives are also available.

Reasons To Promote American Family Safety: High average order size, affordable safety kits and charity donations are a nice touch.

Bonus: Affiliates can also promote that customers get the chance to donate proceeds from their purchase to the charity of their choice.

screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for provides their customers with high-quality products and information to help them get prepared for any disaster provides peace of mind with their superior education and products. It was started by a group of first responders with the help of disaster preparation experts to provide their customers with the best products and information for their preparedness needs. They have a large selection of kits including home, office, car, blackout, school, and pet along with individual items like emergency flashlights, food, and water supplies.

Affiliates receive commissions for every sale they refer including orders placed by phone. Their average order size is over $150 with many orders reaching $500. Affiliates with high sales volumes may qualify for higher commission rates. uses ShareASales to run their affiliate programme and provide access to their product data feed, tracking tools, and lots of banners and text links. They also supply affiliates with coupon codes, content link articles, and a dedicated programme manager.

Reasons To Promote High average order size, VIP commission rates available and lots of marketing materials for affiliates to benefit from.

Bonus: Affiliates receive commissions on all sales including orders placed over the phone. Higher commission rates are available to affiliates with high sales volumes.


screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for VSSL

VSSL reinvented the flashlight into a compact and lightweight utility tool

VSSL transformed the traditional flashlight into a versatile utility tool by creating extra space for emergency preparedness gear, first aid supplies, or outdoor survival gear. Every VSSL is weather resistant and made from military specification anodised aluminum. They are 9 inches by 2 inches and weigh about a pound so they don’t take up a lot of space in your backpack or emergency kit. Their products have been featured on Field & Stream, Popular Science, Food & Wine, Time, and more.

The average order is $100 with a conversion rate of 2%. Websites dedicated to outdoors, survivalist, emergency preparedness, tech geeks, zombies slayers, and more are welcome to apply. Affiliates can join their affiliate programme with AvantLink or ShareASale. Both programmes offer the same commission rate and cookie life and give access to marketing materials and tracking tools.

Reasons To Promote VSSL: Vertiale utility tool, good conversion rate and a high average order for affiliates to benefit from.

Bonus: Affiliates can join their affiliate programme with AvantLink or ShareASale to take advantage of their high average order size and good conversion rate.

Survival Frog

screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for Survival Frog

Survival Frog sells the most advanced survival gear at affordable prices with a no questions asked return policy

Survival Frog is the industry leader in survival gear and preparedness products sold online.

Their mission is to educate those looking to protect their families and provide them with the most advanced survival gear all at affordable prices. They offer hundreds of top-selling survival products with the highest customer satisfaction rating in the industry.

Average cart values are about $100 and refunds are below 2%. Their no questions asked refund policy allows their customer to try out their products risk-free and increases conversion rates. Survival Frog uses ShareASale to manage their affiliate programme. Their affiliate manager offers personalised support and recommendations on their top converting pages.

Reasons To Promote Survival Frog: High commission rate, refund rate below 2% and high-quality affordable survival gear for affiliates to promote.

Bonus: Survival Frog also offers Direct Response Marketing pages if you would rather send your viewers to a dedicated sales page with no distractions. They use HasOffers to manage affiliate tracking on their DRM pages.

Mountain House

screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for Mountain House

Mountain House sells around 70% of all backpacking meals sold in North America and has the longest proven shelf life

Mountain House started out as meals for the United States Special Forces soldiers and has grown to sell roughly 70% of all backpacking meals sold in North America. Their meals have a 12+ years taste guarantee on pouches and 25+ year in #10 cans. They also have the longest proven shelf life in the industry.

Affiliates who are passionate about emergency preparedness, outdoor recreation, or other related subjects are welcome to apply. Mountain House uses AvantLink to manage their affiliate programme. AvantLink’s technology helps you maintain accurate campaign information and work more efficiently. Affiliates have access to a great selection of creatives and marketing tools.

Reasons To Promote Mountain House: Industry-leading backpacking meals, highly trafficked website and helpful affiliate tools to make good use of.

Bonus: Mountain House’s highly trafficked website with high average order values means large commissions for their affiliates.

eSafety Supplies

screenshot of the affiliate sign up page for eSafety Supplies

eSafety Supplies only sells high-quality safety brands at lower prices than their competitors

eSafety Supplies has 10 years in the safety supplies industry and only sells high-quality safety equipment. They carry high-quality brands like 3M, Kimberly-Clark, and Microflex. They sell them at lower prices than their competitors. eSafety has all types of safety and emergency equipment including first aid kits, survival kits, LED flashlights, and more. They offer great customer support on their easy to navigate website.

Affiliates receive a base commission of 10% with the potential to earn up to 14% based on performance. The average ticket price is $100 with a conversion rate of 4.1%. eSafety Supplies manages their affiliate programme with ShareASale and provide marketing materials, reporting, and issues affiliate payments.

Reasons To Promote eSafety Supplies: 10 years of experience, high-quality brands at discount price and performance-based commission rates for affiliates to profit from.

Bonus: eSafety Supplies offers their affiliates great conversion rates with higher rates available based on performance.

Affiliate Website Ideas

Now that you’ve read about these 10 great disaster preparation affiliate programmes, it’s time to decide on a niche to target. One idea is disaster preparation kits for people wanting to buy everything they need all at once in a kit. Though enthusiasts love to criticise “kits” and pick apart the flaws, many folks just want the basics without needing to do endless hours of research. American Family Safety offers a commission rate of 7% on their safety kits with average orders of $150.

Another niche option is long term food storage, Valley Food Storage offers their affiliates 14% commissions on their perseverative-free food storage.

Car survival kits are another niche you could use. has lots of different kits to choose from including car survival kits. Their average order size is over $150 with some orders reaching $500.

Boost Your Affiliate Earnings

These 10 affiliate programmes are just the beginning of what’s possible. There are literally hundreds of ways to earn affiliate commissions with your website, including product reviews, top 10 lists, how-to guides, and more

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