Top 5 Depression Affiliate Programs That Can Boost Your Mood And Your Income


Everyone has down days when nothing seems to go right. You might get down on yourself, feel critical of others, or complain about your current situation, but those days usually pass.

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That’s not true for people with major depression and other depression-related mental health disorders. They might feel afraid to try new things, or they lose interest in their favorite activities. They can avoid people, be irritable, and neglect their personal hygiene or work. Sometimes life feels so bad for them that they don’t even get out of bed.

There are around 300 million people in the world who experience depression. While that’s a lot of people, depression can be treated both medically and through natural means. Several companies carry e-books, online therapy programs, supplements, aromatherapy items, and other products to help people treat and manage depression. Affiliate marketers can get on board by promoting these programs to people who suffer from depression.

If this sounds interesting to you, read through the top 5 depression affiliate programs below. As you read, think about ways you can apply these programs to your niche market websites. I’ll share some ideas of my own at the end of this article.

This image shows a single woman with dark hair and black clothing, sitting on the floor in a dark room with gray walls and a gray floor, with her knees bent in front of her, her head on her knees so no one can see her face, and her arms folded protectively over her lower legs, representing the best depression affiliate programs.The best depression affiliate programs offer relief from depression through aromatherapy, self-education, natural supplements, online therapy options, and more.

Depression Affiliate Programs

  1. Destroy Depression
  2. Cure Depression And Anxiety
  4. CLE Holistic Health
  5. Joy Organics

1. Destroy Depression

This screenshot of the home page for Destroy Depression has a light gray background with red and blue elements, along with a row of media icons that the program has been featured in above a sales letter in black and red text.Destroy Depression is one of the best-selling natural treatments for depression online.

Destroy Depression is one of the best-selling natural treatments for depression online. The program teaches people who suffer from depression how to get their lives and emotions back under control naturally in seven steps. Because the program works so well, the product isn’t returned often, and the conversion rate is high.

Although the main product only sells for $37, the sales funnel includes both upsells and down sells, and an affiliate marketer could potentially earn $117 from each customer. This company also gives a $100 cash bonus to new affiliates.

Why You Should Promote Destroy Depression: The commission rate is extremely high, the down sells and upsells increase the ability to earn more commissions, and the product converts well with almost no returns. The cash bonus is another plus.

2. Cure Depression And Anxiety

This screenshot of the affiliate sign-up page for Cure Depression And Anxiety has a gray and white background, a gray and green Click2Sell logo in the upper left corner, and black and green text describing the affiliate program.Cure Depression And Anxiety is an e-book with a low sales price but a decent commission rate and cookie length.

Cure Depression And Anxiety is an e-book that sells for $2.00 each. At the 20% commission rate, affiliates can make $0.40 per sale, and they receive their earnings through PayPal or Skrill two weeks after the end of each month.

The affiliate program is free to join, and affiliates receive access to performance statistics and professional support. This company administers its affiliate program through Click2Sell.

Why You Should Promote Cure Depression And Anxiety: Although the e-book has a low sales price, the 20% commission is decent and the cookie length is great. Depending on how an affiliate marketer’s niche website is set up, the inexpensive cost could also result in a large number of sales and increase the number of affiliate earnings.


This screenshot of the home page for Online Therapy contains a filtered photo of a sideview of a smiling woman in glasses and a ponytail looking away from her open computer screen, along with white text that reads Online Therapy is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy program that’s administered over the internet.

Online Therapy is an online cognitive behavioral therapy program that provides customers with real one-on-one visits with certified therapists. There’s also an online toolbox that includes online chats, worksheets, a message system specifically for patients and their therapists, a journal, stress-reducing activities like yoga, and an activity plan.

The program has eight modules and can be customized to fit patients’ needs and budgets. The prices range from $32-64 per week.

Online Therapy offers a 14-day money-back guarantee. Customers who sign up through affiliate links also get a 20% discount for the first month of their service.

Why You Should Promote Online Therapy: The ability to interact with a certified therapist and get a 20% discount off the first month could convert some shoppers. The flat-rate commission rate is great is easy for affiliate marketers to plan around, but the commissions are one-time rather than recurring.

4. CLE Holistic Health

This screenshot of the home page for CLE Holistic Health has a white and blue navigation bar above a large overhead photo of several fruits and vegetables lying on a white background, along with a CLE Holistic Health sells a variety of nutritional supplements, including Mood Effex, which is designed to treat depression.

CLE Holistic Health sells a variety of nutritional supplements. One of its products, called Mood Effex, is focused specifically on treating depression. The proprietary blend of herbs includes St. John’s Wort, Morinda Officinalis root, and several extracts. A single bottle of Mood Effex costs around $70 dollars.

This company also carries a handful of other products to provide mineral supplementation and to help treat diabetes and high blood pressure. All of the supplements are gluten-free, dairy-free, organic, soy-free, vegan-friendly, non-GMO, and free of pesticides and herbicides.

One nice thing about CLE Holistic Health is that affiliate marketers earn income on repeat sales, and the repeat customer rate is around 90%. ShareASale manages its affiliate program.

Why You Should Promote CLE Holistic Health: The supplements are high-quality, and the possibility of repeat customers is high. The commission rate is excellent, too.

5. Joy Organics

This screenshot of the home page for Joy Organics has a white navigation bar above a light gray section showing small boxes containing Joy Organics products, along with text in black and gray announcing premium THC-free CBD products and a burgundy call-to-action button.Joy Organics is a CBD supplements company that offers a variety of products ranging from soft gels to tinctures and salves.

Joy Organics is a CBD supplements company that offers a variety of products ranging from soft gels to tinctures and salves. The affiliate information page lists CBD products as being helpful for treating depression, as well as depression-related conditions like anxiety, insomnia, and chronic pain.

The company has an affiliate resource center that provides instructions, affiliate materials, and even optimized articles that can be used on some niche-market websites. Joy Organics is also certified for Good Manufacturing Practices and includes both in-house and third-party testing to make sure customers are getting the best pharmaceutical-grade CBD oils possible.

Why You Should Promote Joy Organics: The commission rate and cookie length are decent. The high-quality products and multiple product testing could convert some shoppers, too.

Affiliate Website Ideas

Now that you’ve read about the top 5 depression affiliate programs, do you have any ideas about how you’d like to apply them in your niche market strategies? I have a few thoughts of my own to share with you to help get your creative juices flowing.

For example, you could create a niche market website focusing on treating and preventing depression in children. A website like this one could promote programs like the EFFTCH products described in the section above. It could also feature suicide prevention programs, play therapy or music therapy, and family recreation options such as Disney cruises.

Another idea is a website that targets depression through the use of exercise and nutrition. A website like this one could feature home gym equipment, subscription-based yoga workouts, organic supplements, and even meal kit delivery services. Workout clothing, local gym memberships, and sneakers could be promoted here, as well.

What about a website for new mothers? Treatments for postpartum depression could be featured here, but affiliate marketers could also promote baby furniture, mom-and-tot fashions, babysitter services, aromatherapy options, and self-care products such as lotions and body washes.

Boost Your Affiliate Earnings

These 10 affiliate programs are just the beginning of what’s possible. There are hundreds of ways to earn affiliate commissions with your website, including product reviews, top 10 lists, how-to guides, and more

But what about traffic and conversions? How do you make sure your affiliate links get clicked?

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