50 Dating Blog Name Ideas To Provide A Spark Of Romance


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The search for romance and companionship is something that unites us all. Yet, in our modern world, finding those important connections can seem almost impossible. This is where a dating blog comes in. It’s an opportunity for “experts”, or at least those with experience, to pass on that knowledge and help others find what their looking for. That you’re going to need dating blog name ideas.

It’ll take some brainstorming though! There are already tons of dating websites out there. Finding a dating blog name that isn’t taken and fits your topic perfectly might seem like an impossible goal. Some people even give up on their site idea because the search for a name seems so difficult (don’t even get me started on finding a domain!)

But, here’s the thing – you’re never going to find the perfect blog name. There’s no such thing. Much like relationships, there are good matches, but what’s “good” depends on the individual.

Even more importantly, the name of your site really doesn’t actually matter that much. It plays a small role in how people first see your site, but little more than that. The bulk of your site’s success comes from the content that you develop, along with your own personal style. In other words, if you’re able to engage with your audience, your precise brand name is a secondary consideration.

Don’t worry, we’re not leaving you high and dry. The goal of this post is to get you started with finding a dating site name you can live with and then building a website. Topics include finding a domain name provider, deciding where to build your site and approaches for making money.

By the end of the post, you should know all you need to be well on your way with your own site.


  • 50 Dating Blog Name Ideas
    • How To Choose A Good Blog Name
      • Keyword VS Branding
      • How To Buy A Domain Name
    • How To Build & Make Money From Your Dating Website
      • How Much Do Dating Bloggers Make?
      • Display Ads
      • Affiliate Links
    • Should You Start Your Own Blog?

50 Dating Blog Name Ideas

  • Super Dating Tips
  • Local Dating Solutions
  • Dating Advice Network
  • The Gentleman Dating
  • Secret Dating Solutions
  • Out of Your Zone
  • Coffee Cupids
  • Business Dating Tips
  • Mature Dating Space
  • The Safe Dating
  • Dating Game Guide
  • The Flirting Project
  • Get Dirty Dating
  • Kids Dating Lessons
  • Masculine Dating Tips
  • Dating Apps Guide
  • Flirting and Online Dating
  • Never Out Late
  • Seduction for Women
  • Top Dating Tricks
  • Best Single’s Apps
  • Singles for Everyone
  • Find Your Love Life
  • Dating Millennials
  • Impressing Girls
  • My Dating Mistakes
  • Modern Dating Solutions
  • Dating Honestly Online
  • Open Couples Dating
  • Modern Man on the Town
  • Finding Mr Just Right
  • Poly Dating Solutions
  • Finding Love Today
  • Secret Dating Guru
  • Dom’s Dating
  • The Fliting Shop
  • Honest Relationship Types
  • Manly Dating Solutions
  • Best Single’s Sites
  • Gender and Dating Online
  • Modern Girl Dating
  • Guys on the Town
  • Charm for Men
  • Awesome Dating Tips
  • Open Love Dating
  • Masculine Love
  • Mature Male Dating
  • Your Dating Mistakes
  • Match for Men
  • Dating Playmates

These names cover an entire spectrum of possibilities, but in the end, none of them are impossible to replicate. They are just names. There are plenty of others out there. The reason they are “just names” right now is because they don’t have your powerful personality behind them yet. YOU are the brand.

A young man and woman sitting outside with lights all around them

How To Choose A Good Blog Name

So then, where do you get started with dating blog names?

One of the first steps is to think seriously about your site. What are you wanting to talk about? What is it that makes your site different or unusual? Alternatively, what makes you interesting as a person?

Any of these areas can help you to narrow down a potential site name. After all, many site names do give an indication about the topic of the site in question. This can be a good way to make your site stand out.

For dating, you might want to consider the type of person that you’re targeting or the types of relationships. For example, it’s easy to see that the site seriousdatingsite.com is focused on long-term relationships, not casual flings. On the other hand, quickflirt.com has a completely different focus. Those are both websites where you actually find people to date (instead of an advice blog, like I’m sure you’re trying to make), but the examples still work.

Personally, I thought Too Soon To Be Cat Lady did an excellent job choosing a fun, memorable name.

A blog name generator, like Domain Wheel, can help you with the process. Such tools will offer suggestions about available domain names. You’ll often find some new ideas in the process.

It’s also important to think about the sites that are already out there. Your name shouldn’t infringe on any copyrighted brands. In fact, it’s best to avoid being too much like any other site name, as you’re wanting to develop your own reputation. I wouldn’t use copyrighted or well known brands like The Urban Dater. As a side note, notice how Urban Dater did an excellent job focusing on a single audience within the dating scene, rather than just general advice on “how to date”.

Make sure you choose the words in your name carefully too. You’ll sometimes see sites use quirky spellings of a word (like datez instead of dates) to try and get attention. Doing this might look cool, but the approach is confusing to anyone who is trying to remember the site name.

In a similar way, watch out for odd domain extensions (like .xyz or .blog). It looks cool and unique, but in terms of search engine optimization, a .com is usually your best bet.

Keyword VS Branding

While there are many different blog names out there, most fall into two general categories – a keyword-based name and a branded one.

Using keywords in a blog name has multiple advantages. The style can help your site to rank faster, while also making your topic immediately obvious. It’s also easier to find a keyword-based blog name, as the keyword acts as your starting point.

Some examples are known as exact match domains (EMDs). These are cases where the domain name is the same as the keyword being targeted, like bestdatingapps.com. An EMD doesn’t have a huge ranking advantage anymore, but the domain will still rank as well as any other type.

In other cases, the domain name might contain one or two keywords that relate to your topic. This could be a simple as including the word dating in your blog name. Doing so means that you can still create a blog name that is interesting while making sure that your site topic is still obvious. MikesDatingAdvice.com is an example of this.

Branded blog names are the other style that you can consider. These don’t rely on keywords. Instead, the goal is to create something interesting and unusual.

Examples include the sites divorcedgirlsmiling.com and adventuresaurusgirl.blogspot.com. Though the topics aren’t exactly clear from reading the domain name, once you land on the site and go to the “about me” page, it’s pretty clear. Even something as simple as an author bio in the sidebar or bottom of the blog post can make your point.

How To Buy A Domain Name

Once you have a blog name that you like, the next step is buying a domain name. This is your URL – the website address that people use to find your website.

As a general rule, your domain name should be close to your website name, if not exactly the same as it. Keeping these two the same helps reduce any confusion for potential visitors.

Domain names can be purchased from any number of domain registrars. GoDaddy is one of the most well-known choices, although that service often has hidden costs and can be frustrating to use.

My personal choice is Namecheap. I like how that service is upfront about their pricing structure and how they keep their interface simple. Both aspects are important when you get started.

How To Build & Make Money From Your Dating Website

The process of site creation greatly depends on where you build your site.

One option is a website builder. Free website builders are very popular, as they give you the chance to get your site up and running without paying anything. Sometimes it’s even possible to make money from your site while still on a free plan.

Website builders also tend to focus on appearance. This allows you to create a beautiful website without much effort and no background knowledge. A builder can even help with some other aspects of your website, such as basic SEO and connections with social media.

Each website builder has its own set of features, but they all limit your control to some degree. This is by design, and it can become an issue once your business starts to grow.

For example, if you wrote a review on a dating website, you might want to use a star system. This is especially true if you wanted to write many such reviews. Even using a basic rating of one to five stars can’t be done on most website builders! – and that’s just a simple example.

This is why self-hosted WordPress websites are much more powerful. With one of these, you could easily use a star rating plugin to get the features that you want. In fact, there are countless plugins that expand what you can do with your site. If you have something more complicated, there are tens of thousands of coders out there familiar with WordPress who can do what you want, for cheap, and quickly.

WordPress offers much more control than any site created through a website builder you might have heard of (Squarespace anyone?). WordPress sites can still look amazing too, as there are many beautiful themes to choose from.

WordPress websites can seem a little confusing and they are more difficult to build initially – but you end up with something that is much more powerful and sustainable. This is critical for long-term business success.

Actually, that brings me to one more important point – WordPress is a common system. You’re able to move your site from one host to another when you need to. The same isn’t true when you’re using a website builder. You’re generally stuck with the company that created the builder to begin with. This can mean high fees and relatively few plans to choose from.

You can build your own WordPress website without too much stress and then improve it as you go.

The control that WordPress offers is especially important if you want to eventually make money with your dating blog.

How Much Do Dating Bloggers Make?

Dating blogs often follow the style of a personal blogger, where they are focusing on their own personal stories and experiences. Many also cover dating as one of many topics. Because of this, there aren’t many income reports from dedicated dating bloggers. I checked.

Even so, the success of personal and lifestyle bloggers is a good indication of how you can earn from a dating blog. One example is The Sweetest Way, which focuses on travel and being independent.

The September 2017 income report from this site reported total earnings of a little under $2,000. Almost $800 of that income came from affiliate marketing, while display ads earned around $350.

There were other sources of income too, including sponsored content and eBook sales.

A second example is the site Just A Girl And Her Blog. The most recent income report for this site was in December 2016. The total income for that month was $41,700. After considering expenses, the net profit was $35,360. Not too shabby!

Affiliate marketing was a key source of income again, contributing around $27,500 to the total income. Product sales were also significant, leading to around $14,000 in income.

Though I couldn’t find any specific income reports from successful dating bloggers, people absolutely crush it in this niche. In fact, the three most popular niches to earn money online are health, wealth, and LOVE.

Display Ads

Display ads are perhaps the simplest method of earning. You are just hosting ads on your site. Many people rely on Google AdSense, but there are other interesting ad networks that you can choose too. Even big sites like CNN and Forbes use display ads to monetize their content.

Each network has its own setup processes. These can be a little fiddly, but there is plenty of support and guidance online. You can also work with ad management plugins to make things easier.

Once you have the ads in place, you have the option of simply leaving them there. Doing so creates a very passive way to make money.

You still need to regularly create content for your website, of course, but what you write doesn’t need to relate to products or services in any way. The style is fantastic for a dating site.

You could simply write about your own bad dating experiences, without having to worry about products at all. You can build a brand presence on Twitter, then tweet when the new post comes up with a catch headline. Everyone who clicks your Twitter link and reads your article will earn you a couple pennies. If you have a large follower count, that stuff really adds up!

Of course, display ads aren’t without their limitations. One serious problem is the relationship between traffic and income. Earning a decent amount through ads takes a lot of traffic – and I do mean a lot.

You’re likely to earn very little from your site when you first get started. While this can be incredibly disheartening, the trick is to stick with it. Your income will increase over time.

Affiliate Links

Affiliate marketing works in a different way. It is a more active, precise approach to earning money. You need to join dating affiliate programs and manually add affiliate links into your content. These links should, of course, be relevant to your content.

You aren’t limited to dating affiliate programs though. It just depends on your target audience! For example, if your site is about dating on a budget, or dating + FIRE, you could also incorporate budgeting affiliate programs. If you’re writing a resource for men trying to improve their desirability in their local scene, you could also promote fitness affiliate programs for men. Is your target market older men? You can promote a product like Blue Chew.

These affiliate links direct people to products that they can buy. If they make a purchase, you earn some money. It’s as simple as that.

Affiliate marketing can be powerful, as you’re providing information that helps your readers. The amount you earn per person isn’t limited either. As a result, affiliate marketing can scale up much faster than earning through ads.

Developing an affiliate website isn’t difficult. More than anything, the process takes time and a willingness to keep producing content.

Should You Start Your Own Blog?

Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!

If you want to actually make something of your site, and earn the kind of income that could allow you to quit your job and work full time online, then this members-only training site is what I recommend. If you’re serious about making some moves, they’re your best shot at building some fat traffic to your brand and profiting from your blog!

What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!


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