50 Instagram Blog Name Ideas For A Variety Of Fields

lightbulb idea

Instagram blogs come in all shapes and sizes, which can make it difficult to find a blog name that you like. In this list of Instagram blog name ideas, we’re considering the different angles that you can take when deciding what to call your blog.

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While finding an Instagram blog name might have its challenges, this type of blog can be quite powerful. It becomes an ideal way to take advantage of Instagram popularity and even earn money from people who regularly follow you on the platform.

And, here’s the thing, blog names aren’t that important – not when it really comes down to it. One of the most important parts is simply to choose a name that people can remember. After that, it’s pretty much up to you.

Still, with this post, we’re aiming to make the whole process simple. To do so, we’re highlighting a variety of names that you can use as inspiration, along with tips for finding more ideas yourself.

We’re also talking about other key areas of developing a site, such as buying a domain name, actually building your site and how you can make money from it. By the end of the post, you should have all the tools that you need at your fingertips.

50 Instagram Blog Name Ideas

  • Modeling Geek
  • Life with Glamour
  • Being in the Spotlight
  • My Traveling Bug
  • Photographing Food Well
  • Modeling Heart
  • More Than Beauty Salon
  • Trendy Living Guide
  • Top Foodie Shots
  • My Effortless Fashion
  • Trendy by Kate
  • Amazing Chic Fashion
  • Behind the Camera Lens
  • Camera Obsession
  • My Sleek Stylish Life
  • Chic Mastering
  • Selfie Fanatics
  • Family Living in the Spotlight
  • Living My Style
  • Living in the Spotlight
  • Selfie Obsession
  • This Camera Life
  • Rock Chic Fashion
  • Simply Stylish Chic Creations
  • Vintage Flair Life
  • Camera Addicts
  • My Subtle Trend
  • Effortless Women’s Fashion
  • My Camera Life
  • Simply Tasteful Swank
  • Effortless Designer
  • One Selfie Per Day
  • The Trend Kat
  • American Social Media Lifestyle
  • Dapper Gentleman Training
  • Food Photography Geeks
  • Magazine Shots
  • Viva Chic Fashion
  • Selfie Vibes
  • Living in the Camera’s Eye
  • Modeling Deals
  • Cooking Snap
  • Selfie Expressions
  • Camera Fascination
  • My Social Media Lifestyle
  • Living in the Stars
  • Selfie Style Zone
  • The Glamour Life Online
  • My Keen Design
  • Living Through the Camera’s Eye

Interestingly, while these names are very different from one another, they’re not all that unique. This pattern often occurs with blog names.

The simple truth is that blog names aren’t especially interesting on their own. They get their personality, and even their meaning, from your content. This is one reason why there are few advantages to stressing about a blog name.

Three hands taking photos of food for Instagram

How To Choose A Good Blog Name

Regardless of your niche, one of the first steps to choosing a blog name is to think about your site itself. What do you plan to focus on? While your blog name doesn’t need to reflect the topic of your site at all, having an element of your topic in the name can work well.

Thinking about this area is even more important for an Instagram blog, as this type of blog is a little unusual. After all, you’re blogging about an incredibly popular social media platform.

One angle is to forget about the Instagram side of things entirely with your blog name. Focus on other areas instead. For example, many lifestyle bloggers have an Instagram profile that they use to gain traffic, but they don’t mention Instagram in their site name at all.

The site cookinwithmima.com is a fantastic example. Her website is a food blog and barely mentions Instagram at all. Yet, her Instagram profile has an impressive 2.3 million followers.

On a side note, if you already have a decent following on Instagram, your site name could be a variation of the name that you use there. In fact, having some similarities between your blog name and Instagram name could be important for branding.

Another area to consider is what to avoid with your blog name.

There are two general themes here. One is that you don’t want to confuse your audience, the other is that you should be unique.

When it comes to being unique, I don’t mean that you should have the most amazing name out there. It’s simply important to make sure that your desired blog name isn’t being used somewhere else.

At the same time, you should be confident that you’re not violating copyright. This is one reason why Instagram bloggers tend to avoid the word Instagram. They might even avoid related terms, like Insta or even IG.

As for not confusing your audience, the general idea is that people should be able to remember your blog name and find your site from that alone. Approaches like numbers, dashes or misspellings in your blog name can make this more difficult for people to do.

Consider a blog called 1amazinglifestyle.com as an example. This could just as easily be written oneamazinglifstyle.com. While it isn’t too difficult for people to remember which approach was used, making it as simple as possible is a logical decision.

This idea extends to domain name extensions too. A .com extension is the most common. This is the one that people expect and it tends to rank the best.

You’ll sometimes see extensions like .net and .org pop up in search engine results too, so they can work well for some websites. Anything more obscure than this is generally a poor choice. Not only will you compromise your potential to rank, but you may also decrease trust in your site.

Keyword VS Branding

Another interesting area is the type of blog name that you want. It’s simplest to consider these as part of two general categories – keyword-based or branded.

A keyword-based name is precisely what the name suggests. You’re using a keyword in your name. This may help to drive traffic to your site. It also shows visitors exactly what they can expect.

Keyword blog names aren’t too common when it comes to Instagram blogs. There just aren’t that many useful keywords to target. Plus, bloggers try to avoid using the word Instagram as part of their domain name.

Of course, there are exceptions. You may be able to find a keyword that makes sense for your site, especially if your blog is going to focus on a lifestyle angle rather than Instagram itself.

Most Instagram bloggers will end up using a branded blog name instead. Branded names can be pretty much anything. They simply focus on the idea that you’re making an identity for your site.

The most basic example is to just use your own name. This approach can work especially well for Instagram bloggers, making it easy to establish a consistent reputation across platforms.

Another approach is to use an unrelated word or phrase. Some brands even use a word in a different language or make up a word entirely. The domain research tool Wordoid is an interesting way to come up with this type of unique name.

You might even include a keyword in a branded name. You’ll often find that bloggers do this with words like ‘lifestyle’. Having a related word and a branded name can provide you with the benefit of both approaches.

You end up with a blog name that is related to your topic, but is still punchy and memorable.

How To Build & Make Money From Your Instagram Website

So then, here’s the big topic – building your website.

I’ll cut through the drama and give you the answer first. Your best approach is going to be a self-hosted WordPress site. I know WordPress still has a tricky reputation. The service can sound overwhelming to beginners.

Honestly though, making a WordPress site isn’t difficult. You don’t need to be an expert and you don’t need to figure it all out at once. You can simply work on your site one step at a time.

WordPress sometimes seems complex because there is so much that you can do with it. But, this is also a huge advantage.

You can rely on plugins, themes and tutorials to make your site do almost anything. While there are still some limitations, you can do more with a WordPress site than with most other approaches.

Plus, WordPress is the most popular content management system out there. This means that there is no shortage of support to help you along the way.

The main alternative to WordPress is to use a website builder. There is a ton of them out there now, including various free ones.

Website builders always sound great. They’re fast and easy, giving you the chance to create a website with no hassle at all. At least, that’s the theory.

In practice, some website builders are just frustrating. They often limit your options so much that it’s difficult to create what you want. In other cases, you end up with too much control over your design – so that it takes forever to make a website (Wix is a classic example of this style).

Even if you find a builder that you like, there are other issues to consider.

For one thing, website builders tend to be exclusive. This means that your site is locked to that builder. It can’t be transferred to another service (doing so wouldn’t be practical either, as the sites are built in very different ways).

As a result, you’re stuck with whatever plans and restrictions that are present with the company at hand. This includes future changes. If you don’t like something, you have to start your site again somewhere else.

This is the biggest problem, as you can’t really know what your site is going to need a year or two down the road. Even if the service seems perfect now, it might not be in the future.

Another problem is how you’re going to make money. Affiliate links and display ads are the most common methods for beginners and you’ll probably expand into other areas in time.

Display ads tend to be tricky on website builders, as you often need access to the backend of your site to set things up. Free website builders may prevent you from using display ads entirely (at least until you join their paid plan).

Affiliate links are generally easier than display ads on a website builder site, although they may be prohibited on a free plan. While affiliate links themselves may be easy enough, the limitations of a website builder can make processes like SEO much more difficult.

The end result is that you can be successful with a website builder, but you’re fighting an uphill battle. That whole process seems a little pointless. If you want to create a successful site, it’s better to focus on the most powerful tools from the beginning, even if they take longer to get familiar with.

How Much Do Instagram Bloggers Make?

Helene in Between is one example of a blogger that works with her website and Instagram. Her site could also be described as a travel blog or a lifestyle blog.

While she hasn’t published an income report in quite a while, her October 2015 report showed that she earned more than $12,000 in that month. Most of that income came from eCourse/webinar sales and she earned around $750 from sponsored posts too.

Interestingly, she made relatively little from display ads and affiliate marketing. Helene’s site is a good example of how much you can diversify your income approaches over time.

Another site is The Baller on a Budget. It is run by Aileen and focuses on a variety of areas, including budget fashion. Just like Helene, Aileen uses Instagram.

In her 2018 income report, Aileen showcased earnings of close to $38,000. Affiliate marketing was her main source of income most months, with display ads coming second. She earned from sponsored posts, course sales and freelancing as well. Fashion bloggers can make really good money, but you do not have to blog about fashion to make money from instagram.

Food blogs and mom blogs also make really good income!

Display Ads

We mentioned display ads before. These ads are one of the most common ways to earn through a website. It’s easy to see why the idea is popular – display ads don’t require much effort at all.

Most of the work that you’ll need to do is in the initial setup process. The steps will be different depending on the display ad network that you go through.

Thankfully, there’s plenty of guidance to be found online. If you find one area difficult or confusing, someone before you probably did too. A little digging is normally all you need to find the answer.

You do have the option of optimizing your ads or perhaps switching services later on, but that’s really all there is to it. You get to write the content that you want to, without even thinking about products or sales pitches.

Display ads could be especially good for Instagram blogs, as you can easily create an image-centric blog. Doing so would be more difficult if you were trying to promote products.

Of course, every method of earning has some disadvantages. The biggest issue for display ads is that you earn hardly anything per visitor.

This creates an income stream that heavily relies on traffic. New bloggers often don’t earn much, as their traffic is low. Still, you might have a head start if you already have an audience on Instagram.

Affiliate Links

Affiliate linking is an entirely different approach, one that focuses on sales. Because you’re trying to get people to do something, the workload is higher than simply running ads on your site.

The increased workload isn’t entirely a bad thing. The fact that you’re doing more to make money means that you have increased control over the process. This provides a greater potential to increase your earnings over time.

One approach is to choose the products that you promote carefully. Focus on ones that your visitors are likely to be interested in. For example, if your Instagram profile focuses heavily on fashion and style, you could look at designer handbag affiliate programs, programs for men’s fashion or anything similar.

There are plenty of options to choose from, regardless of your specific Instagram niche.

When compared to display ads, using affiliate links allows you to earn more from less traffic. The approaches aren’t mutually exclusive either. You can easily use affiliate marketing and display ads on the same website.

Final Thoughts

In this post, we’ve talked about many different aspects of building a site, starting with the blog name that you choose. While these are all important areas, none of them define whether you find success.

This is especially true for your blog name. Honestly, it doesn’t matter what you call your blog. As long as you’re producing half-decent content, no one is even going to care about the name.

Should You Start Your Own Blog?

Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!

If you want to actually make something of your site, and earn the kind of income that could allow you to quit your job and work full time online, then this members-only training site is what I recommend. If you’re serious about making some moves, they’re your best shot at building some fat traffic to your brand and profiting from your blog!

What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I started my first online business in 2010 promoting computer software and now I help newbies start their own businesses. Sign up for my #1 recommended training course and learn how to start your business for FREE!

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