Can You Really Make Money With Beachbody? AUGUST 20, 2019

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Beachbody is probably the most comprehensive health and weight loss MLMs out there. Unlike most similar companies, Beachbody doesn’t just sell a collection of diet products and claim that it will lead to weight loss. Instead, Beachbody has a wide selection of products and services, including fitness programs, weight loss plans, supplements, shakes, and the like.

The range of angles is powerful from the sales perspective. It can mean that you don’t need to target just a single type of customer. You could easily focus on some products for one customer type and an entirely different selection for someone else. Having enough options to do this is unusual, especially in the weight loss field.

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You’re also looking for an evergreen field, which is a significant advantage. This means that interest isn’t likely to suddenly wane. In fact, there has always been considerable interest in health and weight loss, with people always wanting to be healthier and look better.

While competition in the field is always tough, Beachbody has the advantage of providing a variety of health-based programs. This is important, as demand has strongly shifted away from fad diets and products that promise fast and easy weight loss results.

Two Ways To Make Money With Beachbody

With Beachbody, the first income approach is promoting the products and services that they offer. There is no shortage of options to choose from. If you want extra income potential (along with more work), you can also look at building a team.

With that in mind, this post considers the income potential of each area, along with whether Beachbody works well as a way to make money.

Make Money From Product Sales

Beachbody is a large and comprehensive brand – one that has become extremely popular. As a result, there are many different products and services offered. More than anything else, the company’s emphasis is on health, fitness, and weight loss. The various offerings all revolve around this theme.

The company breaks down the products into key areas, which include fitness, nutrition, and gear. Some of these have become relatively famous in their own right.

One product range is Shakeology, which is a type of protein shake. The shakes come in various flavors, which include both vegan and regular options. For the most part, these shakes are well-received, especially as they include various antioxidants and probiotics that may help to improve health.

Nevertheless, they do also contain both stevia and sugar, which may be unattractive to some. My girlfriend used to drink them, and she really liked them, though she prefers Herbalife.

Shakeology product selection

There are countless other examples of products, including nutrition and exercise programs, gym equipment, videos, and more. In fact, the company has so many different programs that offer a comparison chart to help people work out which ones to choose.

Comparison Table

As with any similar company, reviews for the products tend to be biased – especially as there are so many distributors out there. But, even taking this into account, most of the products and programs tend to be viewed in a positive light.

At the same time, Beachbody offers various types of weight-loss support and has a community component. This aspect alone may appeal to many people. After all, losing weight and getting healthy is much harder than it seems. Having social support can make all the difference in the world.

Beachbody Community

So far, everything looks great. But, there are still some things to be aware of.

First of all, the products here are fairly expensive. Take Shakeology as an example. There are countless other protein powders on the market, many of which are considerably cheaper. Aside from the brand, there isn’t much that makes the Shakeology option stand out.

There is also a considerable amount of hype and rhetoric, such as the example below:

Product Hype

Exercise programs like this can work well and they’re a great choice for many people. Still, they won’t be effective for everybody and some people don’t respond well to this type of approach.

What does all this mean in balance?

Well, Beachbody is a comprehensive program and it’s easy to see how you could get passionate about it. The various products and programs seem hyped and overpriced but not excessively so. If nothing else, the brand does have a considerable amount to offer.

Most recently, they’ve developed an online community where you can connect with others, create diet plans, goals, and chat with other members. I’m all about community support, and this will be a big draw for people that want to lose weight with the help of others.

That being said, the website looks quite dated. There are many more attractive communities online, including social apps.

The Sales Aspect

Health and fitness is an “evergreen” industry, with many niche audiences to target. A 50-year-old divorced overweight woman has a different idea of what a beach body is going to be versus a 20-year-old skinny dude. That’s a good thing, and there’s always money to be made helping people get in shape, whether it be through coaching or promoting supplements & equipment.

If you were to get involved in Beachbody, you would join as a coach. The amount you would earn varies depending on what you sell. Challenge Packs can earn you up to 35%, while regular products only get to 25%.


Memberships to Beachbody on Demand earn the most, at 40%. However, this may be a one-time commission per customer, even if they stay with the program for many months.

One appealing aspect is that you’re making sales through the company’s website. This style means that there is no need to buy and resell. You don’t need to focus on the whole party angle either.

Make Money Building A Team

As with other similar companies, your income potential is also tied to building a team. Doing so lets you earn income off the success of your team members and can increase the amount of commissions you get yourself as well.

The main way to earn here is through a Team Cycle Bonus. This is a binary approach, which means that you’re building two teams (called legs) under you. Each time you get 200 points in your strongest leg and 100 points in your weakest, you go through a cycle.

Binary Income Model

Each cycle earns you between $14 and $18, depending on your rank. The maximum you can make from cycling is also capped based on your rank. This makes progressing up the ranks essential if you want to earn money.

The approach that Beachbody uses places the most emphasis on the total sales of each side of your downline, rather than how specific members or tiers are earning. This can be useful, but it means that you do need both sides of your downline to perform relatively well. If you only had one effective recruit (or all of your good recruits were on one side), then your income would be severely capped.

There are other bonuses too. Each has specific requirements and depends on your team, along with your rank. Higher ranks have more potential for income but they are more difficult to achieve and maintain.


The team-building component means that you have to recruit people into the business, they have to recruit others and so for. Likewise, you all need to be effective at selling products throughout the process.

This is the aspect where people start to struggle.

Simply put, it’s tough to recruit people. While you may have the passion and dedication needed to make a business succeed, most of your family and friends probably won’t. Many of them won’t have even considered this method of making money. As a result, they probably won’t be willing to put in the effort needed.

At the same time, the team structure and requirements become more complex the further you get along in the company. This will mean you need to grow your team and hit certain levels of success in different parts of it. Doing so is often confusing and many people don’t manage it.

More than anything, this means you need to take a hard look at your social circle and contacts before getting involved. If you know enough people that get excited about fitness and weight loss – Beachbody could work. But, if you don’t, or if most people have found their own solutions, you could seriously struggle with Beachbody.

Costs And Returns

From the information above, it’s clear that Beachbody can be profitable. That’s especially true if you are selling the more expensive programs, rather than individual products. But, there are costs involved too. As a result, you could lose money if you’re not making sales.

To initially join Beachbody, you need to either buy a challenge pack or pay the signup fee. The fee is $39.95, while the challenge packs are typically upwards of $100. As part of this process, you do save 25% on products, which can be appealing. There is also a $15.95 fee each month.

Beyond this, you have to stay ‘active’. With Beachbody, this means either buying or selling the equivalent of 50 volume points of product every 35 days. Doing so would cost you somewhere around $55, although the exact amount would vary depending on what you buy.

In total then, you’re paying roughly $70 per month just to stay in the game. Thankfully, if you can make those 50 points in sales each month, that financial obligation is just $15.95 and that’s much more manageable. You could probably achieve that by just making one significant sale a month, such as the autoship from Shakeology, which is somewhere around 90 volume points each month.

Objectively, this is relatively good and better than some other MLMs. Beachbody isn’t a party-based company either, so you don’t have the time and expense involved with getting groups of people together and trying to sell to them.

But, it’s important to be aware of those costs. After all, if you have even a few months where you’re not making sales, you would be losing money, not gaining it.

And honestly, Beachbody has been around for a while – and there are tons of similar products and programs out there. So, the competition from other distributors and companies is going to be fierce.

Can You Generate Reliable Income With Beachbody?

The Beachbody Review


Business Opportunity

Final Review

To be successful with Beachbody, you have to be able to sell the products and recruit others. Is this achievable? Certainly – and some people manage it. But, team building takes time and energy.

At the same time, nutrition and weight loss can be a tough sell. Some people will already be healthy and many others will resent any implication that they should do something different. Even if you do get customers involved, they’re only likely to stay Beachbody members if they enjoy the experience and see results. Not everyone will.

Weight loss and nutrition are considered an evergreen market but that’s only useful if you’re promoting to the right audience.

As you can probably guess, there are also complaints about the company, especially about distributors being pushy. There have also been some issues with cancellations of orders not working and people not receiving shipments – although the company seems to be good at resolving those particular problems.

The end result is that you can make money but you’ll end up having to push and convince people into buying. Doing so isn’t especially fun and may not be sustainable in the long-term.

What is this – the 1950’s selling Tupperware? Gimme a break. It’s 2020. If you want to build a business, you NEED to be online or your business will be dead in less than 10 years.

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What’s up ladies and dudes! Great to finally meet you, and I hope you enjoyed this post. I have to be honest though. I’m not a big fan of MLM. Tried it. Hated it.

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