Top 10 3D Printer Affiliate Programmes That Can Print Affiliate Profits

3D printer affiliate programmes to make big profits with your niche affiliate website

3D printing is gaining momentum in almost every industry. Rather than creating products by hollowing out or scraping away material, this additive-manufacturing process builds a product from the ground up.

To make a 3D printed object, a computer rendering is sliced into layers, which are then ‘printed’ using filaments or resins that are laid down, slice upon slice, until the product is completed. It’s relatively quick, durable, and inexpensive.

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The idea of 3D printing also has some medical implications. Prosthetics and teeth aligners can be made using 3D printers, and it’s possible that biological tissues will someday be replicated that way, as well. That’s not it though. The possibility of what you can do with a 3D printer are endless, and many uses have yet to be discovered.

This is a very exciting and new industry to get involved in.

Affiliate Marketers can get involved by helping to promote 3D printers, the filaments they use, and the software that designs 3D products. Are you interested in this industry? If so, read this list of the top 10 3D affiliate printer programmes and the ideas about how you can use them in niche marketing efforts.

3D printer affiliate programmes to create affiliate wealth with your niche site

The best 3D printer affiliate programs include 3D printers, filaments, printing services, and the software used to design 3D products.

3D Printer Affiliate Programmes


1. Autodesk

This screenshot of the home page for Autodesk has a white background with three feature sections showing software packages for 3D designs and blue 'subscribe' call-to-action buttons.

Autodesk is a computer software company specialising in software programs for 3D applications.

Autodesk is a computer software company specialising in software programs for 3D applications, such as 3D printing, animation, or models and simulations.

This company has around 70 different software programmes that can be used to create orthopedics, design parts for machines like cars and airplanes, and simplify the machining process. One software programme helps people build models and analyse the cost of production for new products. Another is used for designing bridges.

This company sells some of its software programmes as all-in-one packages for architectural, engineering, and construction professionals, product design and manufacturing businesses, and those involved in the media and entertainment industries.

The software programmes are licensed for one to three years, starting at around $495 per year and topping out at $2,825 per year depending on the product.

Reasons To Promote Autodesk: Autodesk’s software systems are powerful and cover a wide range of 3D printing needs. Free trials are available for around 20 of the company’s products.

2. 3D Printer Universe

This screenshot of the home page of 3D Printer Universe has a photo of a row of 3D printer models against a white wall, behind text in blue lettering that reads

3D Printer Universe sells 3D printers for beginners and professionals.

Rather than selling software for designing 3D printing needs, 3D Printer Universe sells the 3D printers themselves. The company carries options for beginners and hobbyists to advanced manufacturing professionals, and there are special offers for repeat customers.

Prices for some of the smaller printers start at around $200 each. Larger and more complex 3D printers that can print using a variety of materials can cost around $8,000-9,000.

This company also carries replacement parts for printers, five different types of material filaments that the printers use to create the products, and a few free printable designs, including an Iron Man mask and storage crates for small items.

Reasons To Promote 3D Printer Universe: Because this store carries beginner products, it could appeal to a wide target audience. The free printable designs are a fun and encouraging way to get started, too, and that could help convert newbies.

3. Anet Technology

This screenshot of the home page for Anet Technology has a black and red 3D printer in front of a white background, next to a beige text box with black text and red icons that describe the featured printer.

Anet Technology sells 3D printers to 70 different countries worldwide.

Anet Technology is another printer store that carries around eight models of 3-D printers, plus the filaments that the printers use to create 3D products. This company also sells two types of 3D pens that allow consumers to create products from filaments by ‘drawing’ them.

Although it’s based in China, Anet Technology currently ships its products to 70 different countries, with warehouses in the United States, the Czech Republic, Germany, Russia, and more. It has trademarks in both the United States and EU.

Many of the products are currently priced around $150-$400, so these printers are relatively affordable for beginners and hobbyists.

Anet Technology uses ShareASale to administer its affiliate programme.

Reasons To Promote Anet Technology: This is a fast-growing company with a global market. The affordable prices of the printers could be a draw for people who are just trying 3D printing for the first time.

4. 3D Jake

This screenshot of the home page for 3D Jake has a white and blue background behind adhesive spray next to an advertisement for 3D Jake adhesive to help with the first layer of a 3D printed product.

3D Jake carries more than 50 brands of 3D printers, filaments, resins, and accessories.

3D Jake carries more than 50 brands of 3D printers, filaments, resins, and accessories. Products include 3D pens, spare parts, and upgrades for printers, as well.

The printer equipment ranges in price from around $245 for a mini-printer to more than $6,000 for a large printer with several capabilities. One great thing about this company is that customers can shop for the type of printer they want by the printing technology it uses, such as a digital light projector or fused filament fabrication. They can also search by manufacturers, so it’s easy to find spare parts or upgrades for the printers they already have.

3D Jake administers its affiliate programme through Belboon.

Reasons To Promote 3D Jake: This company has a solid reputation with more than 31,000 satisfied customers. The ability to search for and find spare parts and accessories easily is another plus, and this company carries a wider range of filaments and resins than some other companies do.

5. Oz Robotics

This screenshot of the home page for Oz Robotics has a white background with black text announcing the robotics, drones and 3D printers sold by Oz Robotics, above a row of photos of other high-tech products.

Oz Robotics carries 3D printers, robots, drones, accessories for mobile devices, consumer electronics, and other technology-based products.

Besides selling 3D printers, Oz Robotics carries robots, drones, accessories for mobile devices, consumer electronics, and other technology-based products. Some of the products, including the J-Robot for the Smart Kiddos Education Store, have been 3D printed themselves.

Oz Robotics sells both filament and resin printers. Prices range from around $1500 to more than $2,000 for resin printers and around $1000 for printers designed to be used at home. This company also carries bioprinters for research and education. Eventually, bioprinters could print biological tissues such as livers and other organs by layering living cells.

Reasons To Promote Oz Robotics: Oz Robotics allows affiliates to choose the specific products they want to promote, and all the promotional images are ready to go. This company also offers a 5% discount for students and teachers. The bioprinters are especially interesting.

6. Fulament

screenshot of Fulament homepage showcasing filaments of different colors

Fulament is a relatively new but fast-growing company in the 3d printing industry.

Fulament offers its own line of PLA with the newest line of filament and never before seen resin entering production just last November 2020. They have worldwide shipping and also offer a free reward system – 3% back on all orders without expiration and redeemable towards anything in their store.

Their Fula-Flex ultimately launched Fulament to where it is today when they introduced it in 2019. It was quickly followed by Matte PLA which is also one of their customers’ favorites. In September 2020, they launched a new version of their flagship product, the Fula-Flex 2.0 that features thicker spring steel, PEI, and a refined powder coating. It was then quickly followed by Fula-Flex: Resin Edition.

Reasons To Promote Fulament: A great selection of PLA for 3d printing. Their line of products seems to be picking up and a hit to 3d printer users.

7. Dynamism

This screenshot of the home page for Dynamism has a gray background with a photo of a large 3D printer next to text in black lettering and several icons for companies that have used the printer or featured the printer in media.

Dynamism is a technology company that sells 3D printers, ultralight notebooks, tablets, and other technologically advanced gadgets.

Dynamism is a technology company that sells 3D printers, ultralight notebooks, tablets, and other technologically advanced gadgets. The printers are all high-ticket items starting around $1,120 for a single printer and ranging as high as $12,000 or more for a printer bundle.

This company also carries around 12 different types of filament to use in the printing process, 3D scanners, and laser cutters.

Dynamism has a sister site called Gizmine that carries Japanese-built gadgets, fashion, and lifestyle products. The affiliate programme allows you to make commissions off both sites.

Reasons To Promote Dynamism: Although the high price tags and the ability to earn commissions from two websites are appealing, this company doesn’t share the commission rate or cookie length. Without applying, it’s difficult to know how much you could actually make as an affiliate marketer with Dynamism.

8. 3D Printers Online

This screenshot of the home page for 3D Printers Online Store has blue, black, and red text discussing announcing 3D printing experiences, next to four different 3D printer models.

3D Printers Online will match prices or coupons for models found at lower prices on other websites.

3D Printers Online is a one-stop-shop for 3D printers with a wide selection of models and filaments. This company tries to sell its products as close to wholesale as possible, and it will match prices or coupons for models found at lower prices on other websites—including Amazon, eBay, and manufacturing websites.

This store also offers a 3D printing tutorial pack that’s exclusively offered to customers from 3D Printers Online, and it has guides to help customers decide what type of printer will best meet their needs. The company carries both desktop and industrial printers.

3D Printers Online also ships products worldwide.

Reasons To Promote 3D Printers Online: The ability to price match with other companies could be a converting factor for some shoppers, and the worldwide shipping is nice, too. There’s also a ‘specials’ section where customers can browse through sales items.

9. MakerBot

screenshot of MakerBot homepage showcasing some of its products

MakerBot is the global leader in desktop 3D printing.

MakerBot was founded in 2009 and was one of the first companies to make 3D printing accessible and affordable. They were the first company to present a 3D printer at the Consumer Electronics Show (CES), and also introduced the first Wi-Fi-connected desktop 3D printer in 2014.

MakerBot offers 3D printers, each with innovative features, to different demographics and industries. They’re making 3D printing accessible for everyone – from school-age education to professional engineering projects.

MakerBot’s affiliate programme is administered by FlexOffers.

Reasons To Promote MakerBot: They serve the largest install base of 3D printers and also run the largest 3D design community in the world.

10. Sovol

screenshot of Sovol homepage showcasing a picture of some of their maker machine as main image

Sovol makes 3D printers and XY plotters and also upgrades parts for maker machines.

Sovol offers a series of maker machines and accessories with quality design and innovative functionality at a reasonable price. They are technology-driven and focused on developing, upgrading, and promoting 3D printers with innovative solutions for makers around the world.

Their machines and accessories are produced in bulk by major manufacturers such as Creality. They can offer quality products at a cheaper price than traditional 3D printer brands because they keep their operation lean and sells online.

Reasons To Promote Sovol: Aside from their competitive pricing, they also offer a pretty good loyalty programme that can appeal to potential customers. They can earn points toward product discounts and special offers.

Affiliate Website Ideas

Now that you’ve had time to check out these top 10 3D printer affiliate programmes, it’s over to you to decide how you can use them in your niche marketing efforts?

One idea is to build a website geared toward product manufacturing. This would have to be a highly detailed site with content written by someone who knows the ins and outs of machining and manufacturing processes, but it could be a perfect place to promote 3D printing software like the Autodesk products listed above. Companies selling 3D printers, laser cutters, and filaments could be promoted, but affiliates could also feature Robotics products, STEM research opportunities, and even government grants or small business loans.

Another idea is to focus on the entertainment side of 3D printing. A niche market website that contains printable plans could be fun, and it could promote desktop 3D printers and filaments. Pre-printed toys, games, and novelty objects could also be promoted on a niche site like this one.

Target audience for this? Maybe families, including DIY father/son+daughter home projects.

What about a niche market website that focuses on 3D printing for a particular industry, such as invisible aligners in orthodontics? Besides the aligners, a website like this could promote dental insurance and pre-printed mouth guards for contact sports.

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