If you’re interested in books, what could be better than a starting book review site? Seriously, you get the chance to talk about all of your favorite books, while finding new gems along the way. To do so, you’re going to need some book review blog name ideas before you actually build the website.
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Talking about blog names is one of the first steps for most new blogs. The process can help you work out how you want to define your site and what areas you hope to focus on.
Yet, blog names aren’t as critical as they seem. While you’re going to need a blog name for your site, it doesn’t have to be the best name ever. In fact, just face it now, your blog name won’t be perfect.
I don’t mean that as an insult. It’s a simple fact. The online world is far too complex for any single name to be precisely right. A ‘perfect’ blog name isn’t going to guarantee online success. You can be just as successful with a ‘bad’ name.
In the end, your blog name simply doesn’t matter that much. It will always be your content that defines what people see.
To that end, this post aims to get you started with your site. We’re going to talk about some tips for choosing a blog name, along with the next steps that you’ll be taking.
- 50 Book Review Blog Name Ideas
- How To Choose A Good Blog Name
- Keyword VS Branding
- How To Buy A Domain Name
- How To Build & Make Money From Your Book Review Website
- How Much Do Book Review Bloggers Make?
- Display Ads
- Affiliate Links
- Final Thoughts
- Should You Start Your Own Blog?
- How To Choose A Good Blog Name
50 Book Review Blog Name Ideas
- Gateway into Other Lives
- Fictional Land
- Top New Writers
- Best New Books Online
- Sci Fi Book Reviews
- A Writer’s Review Freedom
- Find the Great Books
- Sci Fi Fanatic Reviews
- Nonfiction Journal
- Page and Pen Hub
- Fine Literature Expert
- The Best Books Flow
- Creative Landscape Living
- Fable Tellers and Day Dreamers
- A Bookworm’s Soup
- Best Writers of My Generation
- Core of a Critic
- Always Buried in Books
- Powerful Plots
- Best Old Books
- Of Cities, Tales and Dreams
- Fine Stories Still Matter
- My Nonfiction Reviews
- New Book Squirrel
- Best Books to Get Buried in
- My Fiction Passion Board
- Forever a Bookworm
- Conversing About Reading
- Book Lover’s Heart
- Great Authors of My Time
- Sci Fi Fanatic Café
- Book Review Nation
- Author Heart
- Powerful Stories Project
- Finding the Fantastic Story
- Best Writers Dreamscapes
- The Obscure Loft Literary Gems
- Chit Chat About Reading
- My Indie Writer Reviews
- Craving Great Reads
- Authentic Book Reviews
- Our Fiction Zeal
- All New Tales Reviews
- Buried in a Book Guide
- Chatting About Reading
- Nonfiction Reviews Fire
- Modern Literature Party
- Reading and Reviewing Zone
- Finding Good Books
- Fantastic Fiction Project
How To Choose A Good Blog Name
To begin with, think about your site. What do you plan to talk about? For example, is your entire site going to focus on book reviews, like the site amazonbookreview.com?
Or, are you also going to talk about other aspects of literature? If so, you might want a broader site name, which is you see with the sites bookriot.com and totallybookedblog.com.
What about yourself? Are you an expert in the field? Is there something unusual about you that is worth highlighting?
Here’s another angle – the genre. Are you talking about new books? Classics? Mysteries? Fiction? Nonfiction? Some sites use this in their blog name, like bookhoundsya.net, which focuses on Young Adult books.

You don’t need to mention any of these areas in your blog name, but the questions are fantastic for brainstorming.
Another trick is to use domain name tools to help in your search. Many of these offer ideas, while also showing you the domain names that are available. My favorite is domainwheel.com, but there is no shortage of others.
Before you get too far in the searching process, we also need to talk about the areas that you should be aware of.
The first of these is a lack of originality. This doesn’t just mean you need to avoid brands that are already taken. You also need to make yourself distinct from other sites. This is critical for getting noticed online.
Another area is the words that you include in your blog name. Whenever possible, try to avoid words that are likely to be confusing or difficult to remember.
For example, if a word has multiple spellings, your audience will need to remember how to spell the word. Likewise, numbers may be included as numerals or written out as words.
Consider dashes too. Your visitors will need to remember to put the dash in. They might need to work out where the dash goes too.
Now, these decisions won’t make or break your site. I broke most of those ‘rules’ with onemorecupof-coffee.com. Even so, following these ideas can make life easier in the short-term.

Keyword VS Branding
The process of domain name searching can be easier if you think about what type of domain name you want. There are two distinctive styles to consider.
The first style involves using a keyword in your blog name. As you probably know, keywords are used to help drive traffic to websites.
They’re also a way to help people know what your site is focusing on. Keywords can be as short as a word or two, or much longer.
Some bloggers use a long phrase as their domain name, like thebestromancebookstoday.com. Doing so may offer a slight ranking advantage for that particular keyword, but you could still rank for it without using that domain name.
Others might just use a related word or two, like ‘romance’ and ‘books’, rather than an entire phrase. Doing this gives them more flexibility, while still making the site topic obvious.
The second style of blog name doesn’t use a keyword at all. That’s really the only difference. This type of blog name focuses on branding instead. Avoiding keywords can make it easier to create a memorable blog name.
The name you choose doesn’t need to have anything to do with book reviews. It could be something completely unrelated. You might even end up with a made-up word.
That being said, branded blog names often include one related word, such as thebooksmugglers.com and awfullibrarybooks.com. You’ll see this style with many different blogs and it is one of the easiest types of blog name out there.
How To Buy A Domain Name
Once you get past the initial blog name search, the next step is actually buying a domain name. This is done through a domain name registrar, like GoDaddy, Namecheap or domains.com.
You’ll even find that most hosting companies sell domain names, while many other sites recommend particular services. The number of options can make the field pretty confusing.
Most services will work just fine. I recommend looking for ones that are easy to use and are up-front about their pricing. Make sure you know how much you’ll be paying each year, along with what you get for that money. My personal preference is Namecheap.
How To Build & Make Money From Your Book Review Website
There are plenty of options for building your website too. This time, the choice that you make is highly significant.
First of all, you need to decide if you want to go with a website builder or a self-hosted WordPress site. A website builder is something like Wix or Weebly, where you are using some type of tool to create your website.
The services will often use a visual editor, which might allow you to drag and drop elements into place. Website builders are often appealing. They make the website building process feel very easy, even if you have no previous experience at all.

A self-hosted WordPress site is a bit different. You get to choose the host that you sign up with and the underlying system for building remains roughly the same either way. This means that you can transfer from one host to another – something that isn’t possible when you’re using a website builder.
The tricky thing is that you generally have to set up a WordPress site yourself. This can seem a bit confusing at first (which may be why people turn to website builders).
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You can do so by simply following instructions and learning as you go.
A WordPress site will be more powerful than anything you can make with a website builder. You end up having much more control and there are many more tools at your disposal. This is critical in the long-term.
After all, you’re never going to know exactly what functions your site will need when you first get started. Allowing yourself as many options as you can is the most logical path.
While there are many ways to earn from a website, two approaches stand out for beginners. One is affiliate marketing, where you are using affiliate links to promote products from other companies. The other is display ads.
The styles work well as they can both be expanded over time. You don’t have to choose between them either. Many sites use both.
You’re likely to find other income streams as your site develops further. For example, some new authors look for people to review their book and may even pay you for doing so.

How Much Do Book Review Bloggers Make?
The site Hooked to Books is a fantastic example of making money in the book review niche. The site talks about books, writing, reading and related gadgets. It’s seriously worth checking out.
Their income report from December 2018 highlighted a total revenue of $5.440.35. More than $4,600 of this income came from affiliate sales, while the rest was from display ads via Mediavine.
A second interesting site is Expand Beyond Yourself. This site focuses on a variety of areas, including books and self-improvement.
The income report from August 2019 showed a total income of $2,142 for the month. The site did actually earn considerably more than this (around $3,000 in Amazon sales alone), but expenses were also high.
Display Ads
Display ads can be viewed as a relatively passive way to make money. This is because most of the work is in setting the ads up. You might optimize them a little too, but you don’t need to constantly tweak your ads.
You do need to create content regularly, but this is something that you should be doing with a book review site regardless.
The most useful feature of display ads is that you don’t need to write about any specific products or run promotions. You get to write the content you want to, and the ads display automatically. This type of monetization is very popular with gossip blogs, which don’t have a lot of products you can directly promote to your audience.
The style is perfect if you don’t want to be making sales pitches. For example, if part of your site talked about famous authors, you might not want to promote a product at the same time. Display ads provide you with the chance to still earn from your content.
Still, display ads have their limitations.
You only earn a little bit of money per visitor, so you’re not making much when your site first kicks off. Your income ends up being strongly linked to traffic, so you need to get more people to your site to increase the amount you earn.
Doing so isn’t impossible. The number of people using the internet continues to grow and you only need a fraction of those visitors to start to see decent income. Even so, sites with low traffic typically don’t earn much from display ads.

Affiliate Links
Affiliate links always work best when your content has a natural association with products. This makes them a good choice for book review sites. After all, you can simply provide affiliate links to any book that you review.
You can also look at other related products and services. For example, Amazon Associates pays bounties for getting customers to join some of their programs. One such program is Kindle Unlimited, which acts a little like a library for a selection of eBooks.
You might branch out into audio books too. There are plenty of affiliate programs for books and eBooks as well. Depending on your target audience, you could definitely promote things not directly related to books, like furniture for a designing a study, or survival gear if you’re reading and reviewing survival books.
Affiliate links are powerful because they scale. You don’t need to make a new sales pitch to every person who visits your site. Instead, the same book review could be earning you money for years after you write it. A single review on our website could earn tens of thousands of dollars depending on what you review and how well it ranks.
Final Thoughts
It’s entirely possible to create a successful book review site and you don’t need an amazing name to do so. The blog name that you choose is simply one aspect of your site.
This means that you shouldn’t spend too much time on it. It’s much more important to put your energy into writing good content and creating a site that provides value for your visitors.
Should You Start Your Own Blog?
Honestly, the sad thing is that most people who want to start a blog get a domain name and a website set up, but never really do much beyond that. They are leaving a serious amount of money on the table!
If you want to actually make something of your site, and earn the kind of income that could allow you to quit your job and work full time online, then this members-only training site is what I recommend. If you’re serious about making some moves, they’re your best shot at building some fat traffic to your brand and profiting from your blog!
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