Leverage a Passive Online Income from Affiliate Marketing

Passive income is a buzzword these days. It’s banded around by people with big ideas saying things like, “I’d like to create a passive income”…almost as though it’s a carrot dangling there online just waiting for them to grab. So can can you really earn a passive income through affiliate marketing? Passive income is a … Read more

3 Big Barriers for New Bloggers


There are so many people out there who attempt to make money blogging, however, the reality of the matter is that most people will fail. I find this disappointing because in actual fact, blogging is quite easy if you do it correctly and you definitely do not need to be above average in any way … Read more

Build your own FREE Affiliate Website

Make money as an affiliate

If you are reading this just now on this very site then there is high likelihood that you are in the same position that I found myself in a good few years ago. You really want to learn how to build a FREE Affiliate website, understand and have the tools to the online industry and … Read more

Choose A Domain & Hosting For Your Affiliate Marketing Website

It is imperative that you have the domains and hosting up and running for your internet business to make money successfully. In essence, the “domain” is simply the web address. It is what you type into your browser to find a particular website. For example, google.com or facebook.com. You will buy a domain from a … Read more

Pick the ‘Best’ Affiliate Niche

Choosing which affiliate niche is best for you can seem like a minefield when you are starting out in the business. However, there are no right or wrong answers. Trying to decipher which topic you want to choose can be very difficult and often frustrating. You might feel like all the good ideas have already … Read more

Completely free Affiliate Marketing Tools


As an affiliate marketer, I am all too aware that certain things make our lives easier. There are tools and platforms that make my life so much more efficient as an affiliate. I would like to share this knowledge with you and spend some time showing you exactly how you can leverage the most powerful … Read more

Making Money Online Quickly – It’s possible!

Do you really think it’s possible to make money online? There are generally two types of people in this world. Those that are willing to work hard and graft towards something that they desire, and those that want a quick fix or something for nothing. Well, to be perfectly honest, I think we all have … Read more

Pyramid Schemes? Am I working for one?

Jobs for history majors

It’s so easy to become involved in network marketing programmes. Let’s face it, who doesn’t know a friend, family member or colleague that is keen to rope them into some new and exciting glossy ‘business opportunity’. Enticed by generating extra cash revenue, they are totally blinded by what they are actually getting themselves involved in, … Read more

Google Rankings, Where do I rank?

Check Your Website Ranking in Google. It’s easy. When you create a website, you will begin to build natural content on that site and it is extremely important to be aware of where your website in ranking in Google. It’s even more essential that you know where individual pages and posts are ranking on Google. … Read more

Save Yourself From These 5 Affiliate Marketing Scams

Over the last five to ten years Affiliate marketing has been growing in popularity, this can be attributed to the proliferation of social media and the fact that so many more people have become wise to using affiliate marketing to promote products/services to their friends and loved ones through Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and other social … Read more